How to Open Your Ajna/Third Eye Chakra
Aug 26, 2024
The third eye chakra, or Ajna chakra, is a major energy center within the chakra system, located between the eyebrows, and is the gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual insight. It’s connected to the pineal gland which controls our sleep wake cycles and responds to light and dark. When the third eye is open it can give us intuition, clairvoyance and the ability to see deeper truths and realities beyond the physical.
Introduction to the Ajna/Third Eye Chakra
Name | Third Eye - Ajna |
Color | Deep blue (indigo) |
Scent/Smell | Verbena / Clary Sage / Elemi / Helichrysum / Rosemary |
Sound | EE” Sanskrit seed mantra: Om |
Element | The subtle organizing energy field around each particle of material substance |
Sense | The command center of the brain |
Crystals | Sapphire, Moldavite, Iolite, Sugilite, Amethyst, Labradorite, Fluorite |
Message | Recognize yourself and all living beings as made of light. When seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or touching, experience the soul contained in each sensorial experience. Allow awareness and meditation to permeate your daily life. |
The third eye chakra, is connected to higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness. When this energy center is balanced and open it can give us vivid dreams, strong connection to intuition and access to higher dimensions of perception.
The pineal gland, also known as the “gland of light”, has microscopic phosphorescent crystals and when the third eye is open we can experience inner illumination or expansion of light from within the brain.
When the pineal gland, also known as the gland of light, is activated, it releases DMT, a naturally occurring psychedelic substance in the human body. This can lead to states of euphoria, vivid colors, and visions of other dimensions. DMT is released naturally at birth, during deep, full-body orgasms, at the moment of death, and during deep meditation.
Signs of Balance or Stagnation in the Third Eye Chakra
When this chakra is in harmony, you experience a strong connection to your intuition and imagination, enabling you to trust your gut feelings. You are likely to have clear thought processes, making decisions with confidence and ease.
A balanced third eye chakra can also enhance psychic abilities, allowing you to receive guidance from your higher self and the spiritual realm. A balanced third eye chakra often results in vivid visionary dreams and a deep sense of inner peace, as well as the ability to tap into higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness. Conversely, a stagnant third eye chakra can manifest as a lack of intuition, confusion, and disconnection from your inner guidance.
Signs of a stagnated third eye chakra include feeling mentally foggy, experiencing frequent anxiety or depression, and struggling with indecision and a lack of clarity. You might also find it difficult to visualize or imagine possibilities, and feel disconnected from your spiritual self. This stagnation can lead to a general sense of being lost or out of sync with your true purpose and higher self.
How to Open & Balance the Third Eye Chakra
It is highly advised before practicing the following advanced meditation to first practice silent meditation and witnessing in a disciplined way for an extended period of time. Silent meditation and pranayama are some of the best ways to open the ajna chakra. You may choose to participate in a 7 day or 10 day Vipassana Retreat which will greatly boost your potential to be a silent observer of all inner phenomena.
Samadhi Meditation
This advanced meditation technique comes from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, a 5000 year old scripture containing 112 Tantric Meditations, encompassing each and every aspect of life experience. The sutra for this particular method is: “With intangible breath in centre of forehead, as this reaches heart at the moment of sleep, have direction over dreams and over death itself."
This meditation uses the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep to channel pranic energy and stimulate the Ajna chakra. The pranic energy is transmitted through the subtle body. Lie down in a comfortable position and focus your attention on your breath, feel it gently touch the space between your eyebrows. As you feel yourself going to sleep consciously direct all your energy from the third eye to rest in the heart. This will harmonize your energy and open the third eye. This technique may lead to lucid, visionary dreams and eventually, it can even lead you to the space of Samadhi.
Samadhi is defined as a quality of consciousness which is the same as dreamless sleep, and yet you are awake. To be in Samdhi is to experience the death of the egoic mind and entry into universal consciousness.
Observer is Observed
The Observer is the Observed meditation is inspired by Lao Tzu and explained by Osho. While the physical eyes perceive the external world, this meditation helps you connect with the deeper insights of the third eye. This meditation balances the right and left hemispheres of the brain and brings harmony between the intuitive and logical mind. This practice increases self awareness and opens the third eye.
Steps for Observer is Observed Meditation:
1. Stage One (3 minutes): Sit in front of a mirror. Gaze at your face fixedly, notice every detail with great attention. Notice your feelings and thoughts as they arise. After 3 minutes cover your eyes with your palms and rest them.
2. Stage Two (3 minutes): Look into the mirror again. This time let your reflection look into you. Don’t observe actively, just receive the look from your reflection and relax and open your mind. Notice the changes in your thoughts and feelings compared to the first stage. After 3 minutes cover your eyes again with your palms.
Discover Third Eye Chakra Secrets
"Tantra Alchemy" provides an in-depth exploration of the third eye chakra, empowering readers to understand and experience the profound benefits of this powerful energy center. Discover techniques and meditations rooted in tantra practice that open and balance your Ajna chakra.
Yoga Poses for the Third Eye Chakra
Yoga poses for the third eye chakra, or Ajna Chakra, are designed to enhance intuition, insight, and mental clarity. These poses often involve forward bends, inversions, and meditative postures that stimulate the area between the eyebrows, where the third eye is believed to reside. Practicing these poses can help to balance the energy flow through the Ajna Chakra, leading to a deeper sense of inner wisdom and spiritual awareness. These poses not only stimulate the third eye chakra but also promote overall well-being of the physical body.
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
This gentle resting pose will stimulate the third eye by bringing your forehead to the ground and giving you relaxation and inner awareness. Kneel down on the floor, then sit back on your heels and fold forward, extend your arms in front of you. Rest your forehead on the mat and breathe deeply. Visualizing the third eye chakra symbol, which includes elements like the upside-down triangle and lotus flower, can enhance the effectiveness of these poses.
Eye Yoga
Simple eye exercises can improve focus and concentration which is necessary for third eye chakra activation. Practice moving your eyes in different directions – up, down, left and right – while keeping your head still. This will enhance the connection between your physical and energetic vision. After each set of eye excercises, rest your eyes in your palms and experience diving into deep darkness.
Candle Gazing (Trataka)
This meditative practice involves focusing your gaze on a candle flame to quiet the mind and access higher states of consciousness. Sit in front of a lit candle at eye level. Stare at the flame without blinking as long as you can then close your eyes and visualize the flame at your third eye center.
Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
This foundational pose will balance the whole body and stimulate the third eye chakra. Start on your hands and knees, then lift your hips up and back, form an inverted V shape. Press your hands into the mat, relax your head and gaze towards your navel.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
This powerful pose will strengthen the body and focus the mind and balance the third eye chakra. Stand with your feet wide apart, turn your right foot out and bend your right knee. Extend your arms parallel to the floor and gaze over your right fingertips. Hold the pose then repeat on the other side.
Mantras and Affirmations for Intuition, Insight, and Psychic Abilities
Using mantras and affirmations can balance the third eye chakra and enhance your intuition and insight. Repeat these affirmations regularly to reinforce positive beliefs and intentions. These affirmations can help you connect with the spiritual world, enhancing your intuition and insight.
- “I trust my intuition”: This affirmation will build your confidence in your inner wisdom and guidance and balance the third eye chakra.
- “I am connected to my inner guidance”: Repeating this mantra will ground you and centre you and strengthen your connection to your higher self.
- “I see beyond the physical world”: This affirmation will expand your consciousness and allow you to access higher states of awareness and perception.
- “I am open to new experiences and perspectives”: Curiosity and open-mindedness is essential for spiritual growth and third eye activation. This mantra will keep your mind open to new insights and understandings.
- “I see the soul light of each person I meet.” Seeing beyond the surface mask, or persona of each individual you meet, endeavoring to see their light essence, will greatly enhance your third eye chakra, leading to a greater sense of clarity and compassion in regards to anyone you may come in contact with.
- “I see and experience the organic light around each form.”This affirmation greatly enhances the development of the ability to see auras. It is easiest to begin with nature and then slowly slowly, as you begin seeing the auric field around Plants, you can then shift your awareness of the organic light around Animals and finally, with Humans.
The Seed Mantra, Om
In ancient India the science of sound was highly developed. Sound temples were built to bring devotees into resonance with the divine through the chanting of mantras with Om being the supreme mantra. This sound from the galactic centre would resonate as an echo through the temple and create a deep spiritual experience. Chanting Om in such a sacred space would allow the devotee to drop into silence and feel the sound resonating a thousand times within and around them.
Chanting Om can also stimulate the pituitary gland, which plays a crucial role in hormonal regulation and overall well-being.
Most people today don’t have access to such sound temples. But you can still experience the blessings of Om through specific meditations. Here are two methods from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra to connect with the soundless sound:
Silent Meditation with Om
- Sit in silence with a straight spine and relaxed breath.
- Close your eyes and allow Om to resonate within and around you for 10-20 minutes.
Kohrogi Sensei, a Japanese healing and sound master, explains the sound A-U-M in this way. The sound “Ahhh” is the first sound a baby makes at birth, “Mmmm” is the last sound at death and “Uuuu” is the experience of being between. The entire spectrum of existence – birth, life and death – is contained in the sound Om. In Japanese temples the guardian statues at the entrance symbolize this cycle: one with an open mouth (“Ahhh”) and the other with a closed mouth (“Mmmm”) and the entrance is the “Uuuu” sound.
Diet and Nutrition for Mental Clarity
Antioxidant Rich Superfoods: Eating a diet rich in antioxidant dense foods can protect the brain from oxidative stress and overall brain health. Blueberries are often called a “superfood” because of their high concentration of brain boosting antioxidants. Eating a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables will provide the necessary vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients for mental clarity. A balanced diet supports not only the brain but also the entire chakra system, promoting overall well-being.
Omega-3 Rich Foods: Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like seaweeds, spirulina, walnuts, hemp oil and coconut oil are essential for brain and nervous system health. Omega-3s improve cognitive function, memory and reduce inflammation – all of which is necessary for the third eye chakra to function properly.
Inflammatory Foods: Avoid inflammatory foods like those high in gluten, sugar and processed, synthetic ingredients. These ‘not foods’ can cause brain fog, impair cognitive function and disrupt the body’s natural balance. Eating a diet of whole, unprocessed foods will improve mental performance and open the third eye.
Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for optimal brain function. Drinking plenty of pure clean water will maintain the brain’s electrical and chemical balance so it can function at its best. Dehydration can cause confusion, decreased mental performance and impaired cognitive function – all of which can lead to stagnation of the third eye chakra.
By eating a diet rich in antioxidants, omega-3s and whole foods you can support the health and balance of your third eye chakra and increase your intuition, spiritual awareness and mental clarity.
Stagnation, Pineal Gland, and Third Eye Awakening
Stagnation must be addressed and cleared for the third eye chakra to awaken, the energy centre for intuition, insight and spiritual awareness. Emotional and mental stagnation can clog the flow of energy and prevent the full activation of the Ajna chakra. Clearing these impediments can strengthen your spiritual connection and facilitate third eye awakening.
Recognizing and releasing pent up emotions and unresolved issues will clear the energy pathways to the third eye. Journaling, therapy, meditation and energy healing can be helpful in this process to uncover and release deep seated emotional patterns that may be holding you back from spiritual growth.
Regular self reflection and self inquiry will give you profound insight into your thoughts, emotions and subconscious patterns. By asking yourself deep questions and exploring your inner landscape you can uncover hidden aspects of yourself and gain clarity on the path to third eye awakening.
Connecting with experienced spiritual teachers or mentors will give you valuable guidance and support on your third eye activation journey. Their wisdom, perspective and practical advice will help you navigate the challenges and overcome the obstacles that may be holding you back from spiritual growth.
Silent meditation and witnessing are the master keys to opening the third eye. By sitting in stillness and observing your thoughts without attachment you can transcend the ego and connect to higher states of consciousness. Regular silent meditation will gradually awaken the Ajna chakra and give you profound insights and spiritual experiences.
The third eye chakra is a powerful energy center within the chakra system that is key to our spiritual awakening. By understanding its importance and practicing the techniques to balance and activate it we can increase our intuition, insight and inner wisdom. By including yoga poses, mantras and affirmations in our daily practice and caring for our physical and emotional body through proper nutrition and self reflection we will support the health of the third eye chakra.