Bali Retreats: Explore Our Top 8 Upcoming Packages

Oct 01, 2024
Bali Retreats

Have you ever wondered why, despite all the mindfulness and self-care, you still feel disconnected from your true power? Emotional stagnation can be the silent culprit that keeps you spinning in place, unable to access the full depth of your inner energy.

At Tantra Essence, we’re here to help you break through those barriers. Our Bali retreats are designed to create lasting change by guiding you through the powerful practices of Tantra, meditation, and emotional release. In this article, we will cover some of our best upcoming retreats in Bali.


Couples Tantra Retreat in Bali - All-Inclusive

rejuvenating retreat

Maybe your next trip together could transform your entire relationship. Our couples retreats in Bali are built around this idea. This is your chance to leave behind the everyday stress and rediscover each other in a whole new way. With guided Tantra practices and hands-on experiences, you’ll learn to communicate beyond words and touch on levels that go far deeper. Additionally, you will immerse yourself in Balinese culture through local excursions and authentic cultural practices.


Soulmate - Level 1 (Bali) - February 2025

meditation retreat

  • Location: Bali
  • Dates: February 3 - 9, 2025
  • Facilitators: Ma Ananda Sarita and Modestas Stonkus

Reserve Your Spot Now


This is a week where time stands still, where the only thing that matters is the connection between you and your beloved. The Soulmate Level 1 retreat will revolutionize your relationship and ignite a fire of passion you never knew existed.

As the Bali sun rises each morning, you’ll find yourself embarking on a journey deeper into the heart of conscious love. This seven-day experience is a portal to a dimension of love you’ve only dreamed about. You and your partner will learn to harness the electric current of energy that flows between you, creating a love so powerful it could light up a city.

You will discover the secret language of chakras, unlocking these energy centers to catapult your relationship into realms of ecstasy you never thought possible. And then there are the techniques of tantric touch, every caress becoming a lightning bolt of pleasure and connection.

This retreat is for those ready to strip away the masks, to bare their souls to each other in ways they never have before. It’s for those who yearn to transcend the ordinary and step into the extraordinary, becoming living, breathing examples of what true love can be.

By the time the Bali sun sets on your final day, you’ll be embarking on a new chapter of your love story. Armed with powerful tools, relationship altering insights, and a connection that defies description, you and your partner will be ready to co-create a life of passion, purpose, and limitless love.


Bali Women's & Goddess Retreats

As women, we carry a profound depth of sensual wisdom within us. Yet, in the busyness of everyday life, we often lose touch with this sacred inner connection. Our women’s retreats in Bali are designed to help you realign with your feminine power, honor your body as a temple, and reclaim the sacred within.

Our retreats offer a safe and transformative space to emerge as the radiant, empowered woman you truly are. We provide daily yoga classes, ensuring regular sessions to deepen your practice and enhance your wellness journey.


Goddess Essence Retreat Part 1 - September 2025

meditation classes

  • Location: Bali
  • Dates: September 25 - 1 Oct, 2025
  • Facilitators: Ma Ananda Sarita and Usha

Coming Soon


Goddess Essence Retreat Part 1 & 2 - September 2024

enjoy enriching cultural experiences

  • Location: Bali
  • Dates: March 20-26, 2025
  • Facilitators: Ma Ananda Sarita and Usha

Reserve Your Spot Now

If you’ve been yearning to tap into your true feminine energy, to feel more alive and empowered, the Goddess Essence Retreat in Bali offers you the space to do just that. This women's retreat is a deep dive into the well of your feminine essence.

Here you are reminded that you do not need to fit into any mold of what femininity "should" be, but it’s about finding your own unique rhythm. Through Tantric rituals, powerful dance movements, and heartfelt women’s circles, you’ll begin to release old wounds and limiting beliefs that have kept you small. Instead of feeling fragmented or disconnected, this retreat offers you the tools to feel whole and radiant.

You will experience Tantric embodiment practices that guide you to connect with your sexual and life force energy in a way that feels natural and powerful, helping you reawaken the sacred energy that lives within you.

You will learn to the strength of Goddess Kali, the abundance of Lakshmi, or the beauty of Aphrodite as you explore different goddess energies. You’ll move your body in ways that help you reconnect with its natural rhythm, bringing flow and vitality back into your life through sacred dance and movement.

Experience a deeply intimate womb healing ritual, you’ll have the opportunity to heal past traumas held in the womb space. Throughout the retreat, you’ll be surrounded by a circle of women who are on a similar path, creating a sisterhood that supports and nourishes your growth. By the end of the week, you’ll feel more connected, alive, and aligned with your true essence.


Bali Wellness Retreats For Men


Shivoham: The Masculine Mastery Series Level 1 - October 2024


  • Location: Bali, Ubud
  • Dates: October 12-16, 2024
  • Facilitators: Sangeet and Dhyan Yogi

Claim Your Spot in the Brotherhood Now

Shivoham: The Masculine Mastery Series is a transformative retreat for men seeking to tap into their true masculine potential. Level 1, titled "Pillar of Light," offers men the tools and techniques to deepen their masculinity, achieve mastery over their sexual energy, and align with their life's purpose.

At the heart of this retreat lies the exploration of the Mūlādhāra, or Root Chakra. This is about getting down to the very foundations of who you are as a man. It's about understanding those primal instincts that have been with us since the dawn of time, and learning how to harness them in ways that are both empowering and spiritually enriching.

At this retreat, we're diving deep into the realm of sexuality, but not in the way you might expect. This isn't about conquest or domination. It's about mastery - over yourself, your energy, your very life force. You will learn to control your ejaculation, to prolong those moments of intimacy until they become transcendent experiences.

The aim of this retreat is to teach you about channeling that potent sexual energy not just in the bedroom, but in every aspect of your life, your work, your relationships, your spiritual practice. Through techniques like semen retention and the mind-blowing experience of full-body orgasms, you'll find a new relationship with your body and your desires.

But Shivoham isn't just about sexual techniques, its also about unlearning everything society has told you about what it means to be a man. Through tantra-based exercises, you'll shed those outdated beliefs like a snake shedding its skin. In their place, you'll cultivate a new understanding of masculine power, one rooted in integrity, confidence, purpose, and emotional resilience.

And the journey doesn't end when you leave the retreat. Shivoham offers two 90-minute accountability Zoom calls to help you integrate what you've learned into your daily life. Because let's face it, true transformation isn't a weekend affair. It's a lifelong journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

So, who is Shivoham calling? It's calling to the men who are tired of playing small. The men who crave a deeper, more authentic connection with their masculinity and sexuality. The men who are ready to break free from the shackles of their past and forge a new, empowered future. It's calling to the warriors, the seekers, the men who know in their bones that they're meant for greatness.


Tantra Yoga Meditation Retreats Bali


These retreats offer a unique opportunity to dive deeply into Tantra, where meditation becomes a path to awakening and deep connections with others. Here you can find a personal and intimate space to explore your journey with Tantra meditation in a way that feels authentic and life-changing. 


Tantra Transformation - November 2024

daily yoga sessions

  • Location: Bali
  • Dates: November 22-28, 2024
  • Facilitators: Dharmaraj and Sira Arakelyan

Learn More

The Tantra Transformation retreat is an invitation to radically change your life by addressing the subconscious patterns that keep you stuck. This retreat consists of seven days to dive deep into the hidden recesses of your psyche, to confront the shadows that have held you back, and to emerge reborn. This is an invitation to experience lasting and true transformation.

At the heart of this journey is a unique blend of Tantra, hypnotherapy, and psychotherapy. It's designed to shake loose the stubborn subconscious patterns that have kept you stuck in cycles of limitation and self-doubt. As you step into this sacred space, you'll be guided through the seven-year cycles of life.

This is the idea that our lives move in seven-year rhythms, each cycle bringing its own challenges and opportunities for growth. During this retreat, you'll have the chance to revisit these cycles, to heal the unresolved traumas lurking in your relationships, your sexuality, your family dynamics, and your personal growth journey.

Each day of the retreat builds upon the last, leading you deeper into yourself. You'll experience both silent and active meditations, practices designed to reconnect you with the wisdom of your body. You will experience a Kundalini activation, feeling the raw, electric energy of your life force awakening within you.

This retreat is for those who hunger for a complete reset, who are ready to shed their old skin like a snake emerging anew. It's for those seeking healing for deep-seated emotional and sexual wounds, for those curious about the balance of masculine and feminine energies within themselves. It's for those who feel the urgent call to transform their limiting beliefs and step into their power.


Tachyon Vertical Reality Retreat - Level 1 - March 2025

tachyon vertical reality

  • Location: Bali
  • Dates: March 15-18, 2025
  • Facilitators: Ma Ananda Sarita

Tachyon Vertical Reality - Level 1

At the heart of this retreat is learning to work with Tachyon energy, a high-vibrational frequency that interacts with your chakras and energy field to create profound shifts. You’ll be introduced to the Tachyonized Vortex Crystal Pendant, a key tool that helps participants align with this energy and experience deep healing and transformation. This is a journey into a vertical reality, a dimension that transcends time and space, allowing you to connect with the essence of life itself.

Who is called to this extraordinary adventure? Perhaps you’re a seasoned energy worker, always on the lookout for the next breakthrough in holistic healing. Maybe you’re an individual standing at a crossroads, sensing that there’s more to life than what meets the eye, ready to dive into the depths of subtle energy work for personal transformation.

You’ll learn to harness the Tachyon energy not just for deep relaxation, but for accelerated healing at a cellular level, supporting your emotional and physical well-being in ways you never thought possible. And the beauty of it all? These aren’t just techniques for the retreat. These are tools you’ll take with you, integrating them into your personal or professional life, becoming a more effective energy worker. 


Tantra Practitioner Training in Bali

This training offers a rare chance to fully immerse yourself in the teachings of Tantra, not just as a philosophy but as a lived experience. You’ll be guided through hands-on practices, equipping you with the tools to bring Tantra into your own life and to support others on their journeys.

This is a path to discovering your true potential and sharing the gift of Tantra in a meaningful and authentic way. The retreat center provides a specialized venue with a serene environment, perfect for an immersive and rejuvenating experience. The training sessions are held in serene locations, often surrounded by lush tropical gardens, enhancing the overall luxurious and relaxing environment.


Ultimate Mystic Tantra Massage Practitioner Training - January 2025

meditation session

  • Location: Bali
  • Dates: January 4 – February 1, 2025
  • Facilitators: Ma Ananda Sarita and Modestas

Claim Your Spot in This Training Now

Our journey at our Ultimate Mystic Tantra Message Practitioner training begins with the ancient practices of Taoist Tantra Massage, where you'll learn to harness the power of Yin and Yang energies. You will be guided through a deeply restorative experience, your touch awakening long-dormant life forces, bringing balance and vitality to every cell. As you master the art of consciously directing energy, you'll witness the miraculous as stagnant energies dissolve, replaced by a vibrant flow of life force.

As we transition into the second week, prepare to slow down time itself with Kashmiri Tantra Massage. Here, touch becomes a meditation, each moment infused with presence and heart-centered awareness. You'll learn to create a cocoon of safety and trust, allowing your clients to surrender fully to the healing process. In this sacred space, karmic knots unravel, and soul-level healing unfolds.

The third week takes us into the realm of Inner Alchemy Tantra Massage, where we dive deep into the sacred waters of sexual healing. This is where you'll master the art of Yoni and Lingam massage, learning to transmute trauma into vitality, shame into self-love. You will go through a journey of sexual awakening and healing, and reclaim your power and pleasure.

Our final week is dedicated to integration and ethics, where you'll weave your new skills into a cohesive healing art. This is where your training transcends technique, becoming a way of being in the world. You'll cultivate rock-solid ethics and professional integrity, ensuring that your practice is always grounded in respect, compassion, and clear boundaries.

By the end of these four intensive weeks, you'll have a new identity. You'll emerge as a confident, compassionate Tantra Massage Practitioner, armed with a holistic understanding of professional ethics, mastery over energetic boundaries, and the power to channel conscious intention into every healing touch. the skills and wisdom you gain here will ignite the healer within you, allowing you to touch lives in ways you never thought possible.


Tantra & Yoga Teacher Training - Part 1 - February 2025

practice yoga

  • Location: Bali
  • Dates: February 2 – March 1, 2025
  • Facilitators: Risi SriVaso and Dharmaraj

Learn More

This Tantra & Yoga Teacher Training part 1 offers a 28-day immersion into the heart of Tantra and Yoga, where participants are guided to embody the essence of both traditions. At the core of this training is the unique integration of Tantra’s sacred energy work with the spiritual discipline of Yoga.

You’ll not only learn to perform and teach yogic postures (asanas) but also explore how Tantra’s profound principles—such as chakras, kundalini awakening, and conscious relationships, intertwine with Yoga. The training is designed to match participants’ specific stages in their yoga practice.

This training is about becoming a guide for others on the path of transformation. As you heal your own unresolved emotional wounds and step into a greater sense of self-awareness and purpose, you’ll gain the tools to help others do the same. You will learn the profound satisfaction of leading a class where your students don’t just stretch their bodies, but expand their consciousness.

By the end of these 28 days, you will have a toolbox filled with ancient wisdom and modern techniques, the confidence to lead classes, workshops, and retreats, and a master level understanding of how Tantra and Yoga can intertwine to create life-changing experiences.

The Tantra & Yoga Teacher Training part 1, taking place in February 2025 is your gateway. For those who wish to dive even deeper, part 2 is will also be taking place in March 2025, ready to take you further into these sacred traditions.




Can I only attend the classes and arrange my own accommodations elsewhere?

If it is a residential retreat our team you will be required to stay at the same venue as the retreat. When the venue is full we will book for you accommodation in venues at a walking distance from the retreat venue. If you have any special requests you can speak to our team who will assist you.

What are my payment options?

This varies from event to event. For retreats we prefer you to pay the full amount to confirm your booking. We may offer options to pay in 2 instalments in a special case. For longer trainings we offer options to pay in 2 to 3 installments if you cannot pay the full amount at once.

Are meals included? Where do we eat?

For residential retreats, the prices usually include all meals during the retreat unless specified otherwise. For non-residential retreats it may vary deepening on the retreat. It may include the necessary meals so that participants don’t have to worry about their food and are fully immersed in the experience.

Is there going to be sex or sexual practices?

In any Tantra Essence retreat there is no sex in the group room. Despite public misunderstanding, Tantra is not all about sexual practices. In fact, it is about the union of love and meditation, and activating the full potential of our life force energy including our sexual energy.

We will be working with sexual energy, chakra energy and kundalini energy in a safe and effective way. But there will not be any sex or sexual practices as part of the group structure. What consenting adults do in their own privacy is their own concern, though there will be no sex in the group room space and no sex as part of the retreat structure, to be clear.

What if I feel uncomfortable doing any of the practices?

We never force you to do any practice that you feel will cross your boundaries. There is a sweet spot between honoring your boundaries and stepping out of your comfort zone. We encourage you to find that 'tender edge', because that is where growth and healing lie.

When should I arrive & depart?

If you’re on a tight schedule and flying in just for the retreat we suggest you time yourself to arrive on the morning of the retreat and depart on the evening of the last day. The first session usually starts around 1pm. The last session usually ends around 3pm.

Danelle Ferreira


Danelle Ferreira

Danelle Ferreira, also known as Ellastrology, is the creative force behind the Tantra Essence blog, where she passionately explores and shares the transformative power of Tantra. As the editor and manager, Danelle curates content that delves deep into spiritual growth, self-discovery, and the intimate connections that Tantra fosters.

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Bali Retreats: Explore Our Top 8 Upcoming Packages

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