Kundalini Awakening: Symptoms, Stages, & How to Guide

Jun 07, 2024
kundalini awakening

You can have access to a fountain of infinite energy, vitality, and heightened consciousness within you. For centuries, yogis and mystics have developed a refined science for awakening this primal force known as Kundalini Shakti. But for most people, this transformative power lies dormant at the base of the spine.

When kundalini is activated safely under the right guidance, it propels you into a state of expanded awareness and unshakable bliss. Your mind becomes laser-focused, your intuition opens into clairvoyance, and you gain profound insights into the deepest truths of existence.

I'll walk you step-by-step through the process of triggering a safe, controlled kundalini awakening or activation. Are you ready to awaken the infinite power and divine consciousness pulsing at your core? 


What Is the Meaning of Kundalini Energy and Why Is It So Powerful?

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Deep within you lies a form of primal, concentrated life force energy just waiting to be unleashed. It is represented as a coiled serpent lying dormant at the base of your spine. Kundalini has been revered in India's vedic traditions for thousands of years as the key to unlocking our full cosmic consciousness and creative power. 

It's the primordial energy that birthed existence itself into manifestation. While kundalini slumbers in your root chakra, you're operating at just a tiny fraction of your total potential as a human being. It's like leaving a treasure trove of infinite wealth, spiritual power, bliss, and enlightenment utterly untapped within you.

Maybe you’ve heard some kundalini awakening horror stories. The kundalini process isn't all roses though, when mishandled, this eruption of energy can disrupt your mental, emotional, and physical equilibrium. Which is why learning to properly prepare and integrate the arising kundalini experience is absolutely crucial.


What is a Kundalini Awakening?

A Kundalini awakening is an explosive emergence of concentrated life force that starts a profound process of transformation across every layer of your being. At its core, this awakening involves the kundalini energy, that coiled serpent power, being triggered to rise up from its slumbering spot at the base of your spine. 

As it progressively unlocks and travels up through each of the seven chakras, it activates dormant potentials and awakens you to higher states of consciousness. What does a kundalini awakening feel like? You will experience a melting away of your ego and embark on a journey of directly realizing your deepest nature as an infinite, blissful force of consciousness. 


What Causes a Kundalini Awakening?

kundalini awakening causes

For some, a kundalini rising or awakening occurs spontaneously, brought on by intense life events like trauma, near-death experiences, or even strong emotional upheavals. Spiritual practices like kundalini yoga, pranayama breathwork, and intense active or silent meditation can also deliberately activate and guide this energy upwards when practiced consistently over time. 

However, what many kundalini advocates often miss is the vital importance of first doing deep emotional integration work to create a clear vessel for this rising force. 


Addressing Emotional Stagnation Before Attempting Kundalini Awakening

Emotional stagnation is like kinks in a hosepipe. When you put a large volume of water through a kinked hose, it will swerve around wildly as the water tries to get through. The results of awakening kundalini when there is stagnation of emotions in our chakras can lead to extreme symptoms such as shaking uncontrollably, speaking in tongues, fainting, hallucinations or even psychotic behavior.

Before attempting to unleash your kundalini shakti, you need to consciously release any stuck emotional energy and open up your subtle energy channels. This can be done through practices like breathwork, Osho's emotional catharsis meditations, primal therapy, and other methods for achieving emotional fluidity.

With this preparation, when kundalini does start rising up the central sushumna nadi, it has a clear upward passage through your fully activated chakra system. Rather than a jarring, turbulent awakening, you experience profound inner ecstasy, cosmic consciousness, and spiritual evolution.


Advantages & Pros of Kundalini Awakening

kundalini awakening advantages

  • Increased Spiritual Awareness: The blinders will be torn off, revealing dimensions of existence and levels of consciousness you never imagined. 
  • Personal Growth: Old limiting beliefs, traumas, and shadow elements will be lovingly purged, igniting rapid evolution of your character and awareness.
  • Deeper Sense of Connection: Feelings of profound union, oneness with all life, and reverence for the sacred fabric of existence will become your new baseline.
  • Enhanced Intuition: Your psychic senses will be amplified to new levels, providing rich layers of insight and cosmic downloads to guide your path.
  • Profound Joy and Bliss: Be prepared to taste the revelatory rapture of pure unconditional love, ecstasy, and being at utterly at home in the universe.
  • Creative Expression: An electrifying flow of inspiration to channel your unique artistry, gifts, and joie de vivre will course through you constantly.
  • Healing Abilities: You'll develop higher capacities to catalyze healing for yourself, others, and environments through your vibration alone.
  • Purpose and Direction: A distinct spiritual calling and compass for your sacred mission on this earth will arise with profound clarity.


Dangers & Cons of Kundalini Awakening

  • Emotional Upheaval: The purification process can trigger extreme mood swings, depression, anxiety and purging of unresolved emotional patterns.
  • Physical Discomfort: Intense energy shifts can manifest as bodily aches, random spasms and contortions, or feeling constantly overstimulated.
  • Mental Confusion: Periods of brain fog, psychosis, or shattering of your previous belief systems about reality can be profoundly destabilizing.
  • Social Isolation: Finding it difficult to relate to others not on the awakened frequency can breed feelings of utter aloneness.
  • Need for Proper Integration: Without the proper grounding practices and lifestyle shifts, the energies can feel overwhelming and ungrounded.
  • Overwhelming Experiences: Powerful visions, kundalini rushes, and openings can be intense to the point of feeling like too much to handle.
  • Disruption of Daily Life: Your spiritual liberation may clash with ingrained responsibilities, relationships, and duties you once identified with.
  • Energetic Overload: Without learning mastery over your energetic boundaries, you can absorb or amplify disruptive frequencies from others.


How Do I Integrate My Kundalini Awakening? Ma Ananda Sarita’s Main Tips

Ma Ananda Sarita

Drawing from my transformative 5-year kundalini awakening process at the Osho Ashram in India, what I can share is that before attempting to activate your kundalini energy, there are vital prerequisites to create a safe, grounded container for this profound spiritual experience.

  • Practice conscious emotional fluidity methods like breathwork, Osho Active Meditations, primal therapy, etc. to release stuck emotional patterning.
  • Establish a regular meditation practice incorporating both silent witnessing and active emotional catharsis.
  • Maintain a structured daily routine to stay balanced and anchored in your process.
  • Keep a journal to document and process your kundalini awakening signs, visions, and insights.
  • Express yourself creatively through poetry, art, or other outlets.
  • Participate in ecstatic dance or movement to harmonize your energy.
  • Immerse in nature through regular walking, hiking, or being among trees.
  • Have an experienced mentor or friend you can openly share your experiences with.
  • Eat a clean, whole foods diet to support your vibrant energy levels.

With these supportive practices in place, you create an alchemical vessel for the profound awakening of your kundalini fire to safely unfold. Rather than disruption, you open to an integrated experience of spiritual kundalini rebirth.


6 Practices to Encourage Kundalini Activation


Active or Silent Meditation

Try kundalini awakening meditations through active meditation techniques like Osho's cathartic practices for releasing stuck emotional patterns. You can also try sitting silently in a state of witnessing presence, creating the necessary space for the serpent power to begin stirring from its slumber.

Breathwork (Pranayama)

The yogis understood long ago that mastering the breath is mastering the life force itself. By cultivating awareness around your respiration and experimenting with pranayama techniques like Breath of Fire, Skull Shining Breath, and Alternate Nostril Breathing, you begin fanning the inner fire of prana that stokes kundalini into awakening up the subtle channels.


Whether practicing asana Flow for flexibility and detoxification, bandha locks to contain energy, or advanced kriyas and mudras, the physical/energetic form of yoga quite literally bends you into the sacred shape required for a kundalini rising.

Mantra and Chanting

Undulating vocal tones have the power to directly re-shape and re-tune your entire psychic makeup. Whether it's the primordial Om mantra, Bija seed sounds, or Goddess mantras like Ra Ma Da Sa, Sanskrit chanting and tantric toning gives your tongue a direct line to unleashing kundalini's ascent up your chakra system.


As above, so below. What you can conceive and clearly envision in your mind's eye has the power to reprogram your entire neurophysiology and subtle energy systems. Through practices like Indo-Tibetan skull imagery, kundalini serpent visualizations, and Deity yogas, where you invoke a direct experience of the divine form and frequencies, kundalini can be ceremonially activated.

Sacred Space and Ritual

Arrange your practice area with essences, yantras, and objects of symbolic resonance. Let the space redefine your perception and catapult you into realms of ecstatic trance where spontaneous awakenings often occur.


The tantric path honors the human body as a sacred vessel for awakening kundalini through transcendent practices of sensual transmutation. Rather than rejecting pleasure, Tantra embraces conscious channeling of sexual energy up the subtle channels to stimulate the awakened kundalini fire.

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What Are the Stages of Kundalini Awakening?

stages of kundalini awakening

Stage 1 - Initiation

For most, the first tremors of a kundalini rising happen spontaneously without any real context. It could be a sudden rush of energy exploding up your spine during meditation or yoga. Powerful visions, premonitions, and flashes of psychic intuition may start blazing through your awareness field.

At this stage, the slumbering serpent has been activated but is still coiled and contained mostly at your root chakra. You're receiving the wake up call and initial sips of expanded consciousness, often feeling delirious, ecstatic, and perhaps a bit manic with the novelty of these strange new sensations.


Stage 2 - Purification

As kundalini fire stokes higher, you enter a phase of intense shedding and purification on all levels - your physical health, mental, emotional, and even karmic. Repressed emotional patterns and past traumas you weren't even aware of may bubble up to your conscious awareness to be processed.

Certain drives and belief systems that previously felt core to your identity may fall away. You might experience energy rushes, spontaneous movements or vocalizations, changes in sleep and appetite, and other disruptions as your system recalibrates. While this can feel chaotic and even brutal at times, it's a necessary cleansing process to create clear pathways for the kundalini to keep rising without issues. 


Stage 3 - Illumination

If you've bravely navigated the churning waters of purification, the initiatory rays of awakened consciousness start piercing through your field in Stage 3. You experience revelatory states of inner illumination, dissolution of psychological and existential knots, bliss states, and direct perspectives into the true nature of reality. 

Psychic abilities connected to the third eye and crown chakras may blossom, such as clairvoyance, precognition, or an ultra-vivid visual sense of the interconnectedness of all life. Your intuition fires on all cylinders, guiding you with divine intelligence. Inspiration, creative flow, and a feeling of being directly "downlinked" with higher planes of genius become common.


Stage 4 - Integration

With the kundalini shakti now roaring through your system, you enter a phase of deep psychological and spiritual integration. The influxes become less manic, and more stabilized in a new state of consciousness. You'll experience a shedding of your old identity as the attachments and subconscious patterns anchoring that identity dissolve. 


Stage 5 - Embodiment

In this final stage, you're no longer just glimpsing higher consciousness, you're presenting it in your moment-to-moment lived experience as a grounded awakened human. The endless reverence, rapture, flow states, and experience of inter-beingness becomes not just your default setting...but the very texture of your existence.

At this stage you may gain mastery over psychic and siddhic abilities, or you may simply radiate the fullness of pure loving presence as your greatest gift to the world. Choosing a path of service and unique dharma tends to arise organically. 


Kundalini Awakening Meditation


Osho Dynamic Meditation

kundalini awakening meditation

Dynamic meditation by Osho is one of the most powerful tools for kundalini awakening because it allows energy to flow freely through the body while breaking through emotional and physical stagnation. Unlike traditional forms of meditation, which focus on stillness, dynamic meditation encourages movement, breathwork, and active release to clear stagnant energy from the body’s energy centers.

1. 10 minutes: Breathe through your nose, with a rhythm that is deep, fast, and chaotic. Let every cell in your body become alive. Use the movement of your entire body, particularly the pelvis, to help activate the breathing.

2. 10 minutes: Let go of all repressed emotions, in total catharsis. Go mad, scream, cry, laugh, dance, shake, shout gibberish, while moving your body freely.

3. 10 minutes: Jump with your arms raised, saying, ‘HOO!’ Let the sound hammer on your sex center each time you land on your feet. This shock wave allows Kundalini life force to move upwards along the spine. 15 minutes: ‘STOP!’, exactly where you are. Remain absolutely still and silent, giving the opportunity for all of the awakened energy to move to the center of your being.

4. 15 minutes: Celebrate being alive through dance, open up, and express your gratefulness to the new day. Smiling helps to open up feelings of love and gratitude. As the gong at the end sounds three times, bow down with your forehead on the ground, surrendering to mother earth in deepest gratitude.


20 Signs & Symptoms of Kundalini Spiritual Awakening List

symptoms of kundalini awakening

Kundalini Awakening Physical Symptoms

  • Energy Surges: You'll experience random full-body rushes of heat, tingling, and vibration shooting up your spine as kundalini begins its ascent.
  • Tingling Sensations: An electrifying "bubbling & butterflies" feeling rippling across your skull, face, and limbs is a clear sign of newly activated energy pathways.
  • Changes in Sleep Patterns: Your biorhythms may go haywire, with periods of insomnia or excessive sleepiness as your system calibrates. 
  • Spontaneous Movements: As kundalini rearranges your subtle energies, you may find parts of your body spontaneously moving, shaking, or contorting in surprising ways. 
  • Heat or Cold Sensations: Drastic temperature fluctuations and hot or cold sweats are common.
  • Physical Discomfort: Unfortunately "growing pains" like muscle twitches, tension, headaches, or nerve pain can occur as you integrate the energetic shifts.
  • Sensory Sensitivity: Your sight, hearing, smell, and taste may all become amplified to almost supernatural levels as your psychic senses start blooming.
  • Digestive Issues: Don't be surprised if kundalini gets you all backed up or having multiple trips to the bathroom as it detoxifies your system.
  • Unusual Breathing Patterns: From spontaneous breath holds to involuntary rapid breaths, your respiration may go wonky as the pranas rewire.
  • Fatigue: Feeling drained and needing way more rest is par for the course as you channel immense downloads of activating energy.


Kundalini Awakening Spiritual Symptoms

  • Heightened Intuition: You'll start seeing, hearing, and knowing things before they happen with crystal clarity as your third eye awakens.
  • Deeper Connection with the Divine: A felt-sense of oneness, awe, reverence, and transcendent love may wash over you in waves.
  • Increased Sense of Purpose: A clear calling, mission, and spiritual reason for being will crystallize amidst the chaos.
  • Profound Spiritual Insights: Revelations and "aha!" moments about the true nature of reality will blow open your psyche regularly.
  • Expanded Consciousness: Your perception will start spanning multiple dimensions simultaneously in blissful, trancelike states.
  • Synchronicities: Magical, meaningful patterns and signs from the universe will unfold in your experience constantly.
  • Chakra Activation: You'll feel energetic stagnation clearing and wheels of light igniting throughout your subtle body.
  • Increased Creative Abilities: As your crown cracks open, inspiration and creative genius will start effortlessly flowing through.


Kundalini Awakening Emotional Symptoms

  • Intense Mood Swings: You may cycle through periods of mania, anxiety, depression, and ecstasy as your psychology stretches into new terrain.
  • Release of Past Traumas: Like a defibrillator to your heart, past wounds, repressions, and karmic issues may purge for healing.
  • Profound States of Joy or Bliss: At times, you'll feel like the luckiest person alive, brimming with celebrations and orgasmic appreciation for Every. Single. Moment.


Final Words

meaning of kundalini
Beckoning the rise of Kundalini Shakti is not something to be taken lightly or as a mere experiment in spiritual bypass. This is nothing less than detonating your entire life as you've known it, courting the fire of your own conscious evolution as a being. 

It takes tremendous commitment, humility, and readiness to shed layers of your former self again and again on the sacrificial pyre of awakening. Yet for the courageous souls who commit fully to this sublime path of awakening with skillful means, the rewards are beyond measure, a rekindling of your essential nature as a radiant nexus of love, wisdom, and creative power. 

You'll come to embody the living challenge posed by the words of Rumi: 

There is a life-truth that life masquerades as earth, water, and dust. No matter what form it takes, it remains a raging furnace of desires.

For those daring to awaken this most ancient initiation, the path ahead beckons towards a gloriously infinite adventure of spiritual unfolding and embodying the supreme ecstasy your human existence was always meant to unveil.

Jai Kundalini Shakti!



What’s the point of kundalini awakening?

The goal of catalyzing a kundalini awakening is total spiritual enlightenment and conscious union with the divine essence that births all of creation. This sacred serpent power serves as the fundamental life force energizing every atom of our being - by awakening it, we're essentially giving the instruction for our personal universe to finally blossom into its full revelatory potential.


What happens when you awaken your kundalini?

When the ancient serpent power rips through your system in a full-blown awakening, absolutely nothing is left untouched. Be prepared for a total existential system reboot on all levels of your being - physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual. 

Early kundalini ascension symptoms can manifest as strange energy rushes, ringing in the ears, vibrations, psychedelic visions, and feeling like your physical body is being reorganized from the inside-out. During kundalini awakening, some experience spontaneous movements, kundalini kriyas, speaking in tongues or profound mood fluctuations as deep-rooted patterns purify.


How does kundalini awaken?

Consistent yoga, breathwork, energy work, meditation, and psychosomatic rituals like mantra recitation can all serve as viable inroads to stir the coiled serpent at your root. However, spontaneous kundalini risings can also occur through intense life events or even without any provocation. A kundalini awakening is a permanent shift that occurs in your energetic body.


What are the side effects of the kundalini awakening?

The purgative nature of this process bears intense side effects during the preliminary stages. Emotional turbulence, bodily aches and burnouts, fragmented sense of identity, psychosis, and overwhelm from energetic over-stimulation are very real challenges that require proper grounding, lifestyle attunement and integration support.


Is spiritual awakening the same as kundalini awakening?

While all kundalini awakenings catalyze a spiritual awakening by definition, not all spiritual awakenings involve a full-blown kundalini rising. The two are related but emerge through different means. A general spiritual awakening is more a shift in perception, dissolving attachments, transcending the ego-mind, and realizing the underlying essence that animates all.

However, a kundalini awakening is a physiological and neurological rewiring brought about by the intensification of bio-energetic currents throughout your subtle body system. It's an uncoiling of your divine, primordial life force that essentially upgrades your personal "operating system" to be a vessel for accelerated states of enlightened consciousness.

Ma Ananda Sarita


Ma Ananda Sarita

Ma Ananda Sarita is a Tantra master, initiated into Tantra in 1973 by Osho. With over 30 years of teaching experience, she offers courses and retreats worldwide. As the voice behind this blog, Sarita offers readers a glimpse into the power of Tantra.

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