Kundalini Spirit vs Holy Spirit: What Is the Difference?

Jul 29, 2024
kundalini spirit

The awakening of the kundalini spirit is an ancient concept that has been vastly misunderstood and shrouded in misinformation. As you Google this mystical experience, you're bombarded with fearful rhetoric denouncing it as demonic or satanic. The serpentine imagery associated with kundalini gets conflated with the biblical serpent representing sin and temptation.

But this is a dangerous oversimplification that strips away the profound spiritual significance of this transformative energy. The truth is, kundalini awakening is a holy, transcendent process deeply rooted in Hindu and Buddhist traditions. To equate this sacred life force with something evil or unholy is not only inaccurate, but robs you of an opportunity for transcendental personal growth.

Perhaps the misinformation online has left you confused, even terrified, about what it could mean. Let me dispel the myths and clearly explain the difference between the divine kundalini and the concept of "evil" that has been projected onto it.


What Is the Kundalini Spirit?

Imagine a glowing, coiled serpent lying dormant at the base of your spine, holding the key to unlocking the deepest wellsprings of your consciousness. This primal, serpentine force is known as kundalini, a reservoir of pure evolutionary energy that has the power to radically and positively transform your sense of being.

The concept of kundalini is deeply rooted in the ancient spiritual traditions of India, dating back thousands of years in Hindu mythology and yogic philosophy. It is depicted as a sleeping serpent goddess, patiently awaiting her awakening to unleash her life-altering power.


What Does the Kundalini Spirit Do?

The fundamental purpose of this serpentine energy is to awaken the depths of human consciousness and catalyze profound spiritual growth. When triggered through advanced meditation practices, yoga, or spontaneously through life circumstances, the kundalini begins its epic journey upwards through the subtle body.

As the kundalini shakti (energy) travels along the spine, it activates the chakras, those spinning vortexes of subtle energy that exist within you. With each chakra awakened, you experience progressive states of heightened awareness, expanded intuition, emotional healing, and ultimately an ecstatic union with the Divine.

Kundalini has the power to purify your mind and body of toxins, release deep trauma and negativity, activate innate psychic abilities, and offer a profound sense of connectivity to all life. Those who have experienced this awakening often speak of it as one of the most blissful, painful, terrifying, challenging, ecstatic and transcendent journeys a human can undertake.


The Confusion Between the Bible’s Serpent and the Kundalini Serpent

kundalini spirit

Despite the kundalini's revered status in Eastern spiritual traditions, its serpentine symbolism has become a point of confusion and misinformation in Western culture due to associations with the serpent in the biblical story of Adam and Eve.

In the Genesis narrative, the serpent represents mankind's subjugation to the "low self" of ego, temptation and sin. When the serpent convinces Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, it ushers in the Fall of Man, a pivotal moment of rebellion against God that leads to expulsion from paradise. From this perspective, the snake is symbolic of deception, evil and the tainted roots of human suffering.

This depiction is the antithesis of how the serpent is viewed in kundalini traditions. Rather than a force of sin, the coiled serpent at the base of the spine represents our primordial spiritual energy and our latent potential for enlightenment. Far from tempting humanity into egotistical pursuits, kundalini acts as a force of healing, awakening our highest consciousness.

The difference lies in the context and intention behind the serpent imagery. The biblical serpent is an anthropomorphized animal form representing humanity's ability to be led astray and reject the divine. The kundalini serpent symbolizes humankind's infinite divinity waiting to be unleashed. While the serpent in Genesis causes humanity's fall from grace, the kundalini serpent offers the potential for our ultimate union with the Divine.


How Different Faiths Have Different Representations of Divine Spirits



kundalini spirit

In the ancient wisdom tradition of Hinduism, divine spirits are not abstract concepts, but tangible forces that can be awakened and experienced within the human form. One of the most powerful of these is kundalini shakti. Kundalini is often personified as the great feminine force known as Shakti, the dynamic power and creative energy that dances in eternal embrace with the supreme consciousness of Shiva, the divine masculine.

As the kundalini shakti arises and unfurls through the chakras, we open to progressively higher states of awareness and our innate potential as human beings is unveiled. There is an innate thirst, an unstoppable upward trajectory that compels the kundalini to ascend and ultimately meet her beloved Shiva at the crown chakra - the gateway to universal consciousness.

When stabilized at this sacred center, we become capable of receiving divine grace – what some traditions refer to as the "Holy Spirit" flowing down to infuse the physical form with the sacred. Our purpose in this incarnate realm is to become receptive, to clear the obstructions so that we may embody walking divinity, the harmonious union of masculine and feminine energies within the purified vessel of our being.

The Advayataraka Upanishad (a sacred scripture from Hinduism) refers to kundalini as follows:

“In the middle of body there exists the Sushumna Nadi which is as bright as the sun and as cool as the moon. It starts from Mooladhara and goes up to Brahmarandra which is in the top middle of the skull. It is well known that in the middle of it there exists Kundalini which is as bright as crores of suns and as thin as the lotus thread. The man who sees that with his mind’s eye attains salvation by getting rid of all sins.”



kundalini spirit

While the concepts of chakras and kundalini may seem foreign, Christianity has its own potent representation of the sacred divine life force through the Holy Spirit. Often depicted as a dove, the Holy Spirit is understood as the very presence of God's love and higher consciousness infusing the human soul.

In Christian mysticism, the Holy Spirit acts as an ever-present guide that weeds out the ego's desires in service of spiritual illumination and oneness with the Creator. When embraced and "born again" into this state of grace, you experience an initiation into heightened psychic perception, miraculous healings, and the "fruits of the spirit" such as infinite love, joy and serenity.

Saint Teresa of Avila, a Carmelite nun and Spanish mystic and religious reformer, speaks the following of the union with God & The Holy Spirit:

“Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours, Yours are the eyes through which to look out Christ's compassion to the world Yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good; Yours are the hands with which he is to bless men now.”
― St. Teresa of Avila


Other Faiths

Across Buddhism, Islam, indigenous spiritual systems and more, there are similar notions of a sacred life force or divine breath that animates all existence. Whether it is prana, qi, Great Spirit or the Tao, these traditions respect an ineffable source of potential and interconnected consciousness flowing through the universe.

While the representations vary across faiths, there is a common thread of revering a sacred, unseen power that fuels our spiritual evolution as souls inhabiting a physical form. Each tradition offers a map and specific practices to awaken consciousness to this divine source, be it through kundalini awakening, being born again in the Holy Spirit, or aligning with the natural flow of the Tao.


Can You Embody Both the Kundalini Spirit & Holy Spirit?

The notion of embodying both the kundalini shakti and the Holy Spirit is a fascinating catalyst for interfaith dialogue and highlights the potential for an integrated, holistic embodiment of the sacred feminine and masculine energies within.

From traditional spiritual perspectives, there are some who maintain that these two forces are simply different cultural representations of the same universal divine source. What kundalini yogis call the union of Shiva and Shakti at the crown, Christian mystics might experience as receiving the blessed downpour of the Holy Spirit into the chalice of an awakened, purified soul.


Connecting With the Kundalini Spirit

kundalini spirit

Embodying the kundalini spirit is an immensely personal and often perplexing journey of shedding layers of conditioning and merging seemingly dualistic flows into the unified stream of one's highest totality. The gifts of such an embodiment are profound – heightened intuition, extended bliss, spontaneous healings and harmony between spirit and flesh.

The road can also be challenging and disorienting. A key which supports this process is consciously developing emotional fluidity. By working with your emotions in a conscious way, you are then able to allow the tremendous power of kundalini to safely move up through your central subtle energy channel, catalyzing incremental shifts that awaken you to higher consciousness and divine union.

While controversies and contrasting perspectives will always exist, the mystics across traditions who have tasted this embodied sacred experience remind us that the paths are many, but the destination is One. Perhaps the grandest initiation of all is to become a living bridge – a human embodiment of the unified feminine and masculine principles that fuel all of creation.


Bridging the Christ and Kundalini Paths

kundalini spirit

In his groundbreaking book Prayers of the Cosmos, spiritual teacher Neil Douglas-Klotz offers a radical reinterpretation of the words of Jesus Christ through the lens of Middle Eastern mysticism. His fresh translations of the Lord's Prayer directly from Aramaic (the language used by Jesus) and Beatitudes reveal a mystical, feminist, and cosmic understanding of Christ's teachings.

Douglas-Klotz, the Sufi founder of the global network of the Dances of Universal Peace, unveils a Christ-consciousness deeply resonant with the kundalini and chakra metaphysics. Jesus's call to cultivate the "kingdom of heaven within" aligns with awakening the inward divine serpent power. His spiritual injunctions take on layers of meaning when viewed as keys for integrating body, mind, and spirit.

Prayers of the Cosmos affirms the truth at the heart of all paths - that the Divine Source loves us infinitely and unconditionally. By fluidly merging Judeo-Christian and yogic symbolism, Douglas-Klotz opens us to the realization that kundalini awakening and embodying the Christ spirit are ultimately concordant goals along the journey of human spiritual ascension.

This is a quote of Jesus translated directly from Aramaic from the book Prayers of the Cosmos:

O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos,
Focus your light within us – make it useful:
Create your reign of unity now –
Your one desire then acts with ours,
as in all light, so in all forms.

Grant what we need each day in bread and insight.
Loose the cords of mistakes binding us,
as we release the strands we hold
of others’ guilt.

Don’t let surface things delude us,
but free us from what holds us back.

From you is born all ruling will,
the power and the life to do,
the song that beautifies all,
from age to age it renews.

Truly – power to these statements –
may they be the ground from which all
my actions grow: Amen.

–Neil Douglas-Klotz, “The Lord’s Prayer (One Possible Translation from the Aramaic)”, Prayers of
the Cosmos, p. 41


Key Takeaways

The kundalini spirit refers to a latent, serpentine force located at the base of the spine that, when awakened through advanced yogic practices or spontaneously, catalyzes a profoundly transformative psycho-spiritual journey. As it rises through the chakras, it unveils expanded states of consciousness and union with the Divine.

In contrast, the Holy Spirit in Christianity represents the presence of God's love and higher consciousness descending into the soul, acting as a guiding force that illuminates the path to Oneness with the Creator.

While both involve the activation of sacred energies within, there are distinct roles, representations, and practices involved in the traditions. The key is to approach your spiritual path with openness, respect for all traditions, and a willingness to surrender to the process of awakening. No path has a monopoly on truth, the origin and the destination is the same unified field of divine consciousness.




Is there a difference between the Holy Spirit & the Kundalini Spirit?

Yes, there are differences in how the Holy Spirit and kundalini spirit are traditionally understood and experienced within Christianity and Hindu/yogic traditions. The Holy Spirit is conceived as the presence of God itself - the third aspect of the Holy Trinity that imbues the faithful with divine love, wisdom and spiritual rebirth.

The kundalini serpent, on the other hand, is a latent spiritual force and reservoir of evolutionary energy already present within the human form. When awakened, it rises up through the chakras, unlocking expanded states of awareness and ultimately union with the Divine through the crown chakra.


What are the symptoms of the kundalini spirit?

Yogic texts describe common experiences of awakening the kundalini spirit as feelings of heat, tingling or electricity flowing through the body, enhanced stamina, spontaneous movements/kriyas, changes in eating/sleeping patterns and sensations of breath or energy pulsing up the spine.

One's inner landscape can be dramatically reshuffled, with intense mood swings, surfacing of deep emotional traumas for purification, periods of anxiety/bewilderment alongside profound feelings of joy, bliss, connectedness and expansive love.


Is the kundalini spirit evil or demonic?

No, the awakening of the kundalini energy is not evil, demonic or satanic in any way according to the spiritual traditions in which it is understood. This is a common myth and misconception largely rooted in misunderstood symbolism and cultural fear around the serpent archetype. There is a misconception between the serpent in the christian bible and the kundalini spirit.

In Hindu and yogic contexts, the coiled serpent at the base of the spine is revered as an emblem of focused spiritual potential - the primal, evolutionary force that resides within us to be awakened for the highest purposes of Self and God realization.

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Danelle Ferreira


Danelle Ferreira

Danelle Ferreira, also known as Ellastrology, is the creative force behind the Tantra Essence blog, where she passionately explores and shares the transformative power of Tantra. As the editor and manager, Danelle curates content that delves deep into spiritual growth, self-discovery, and the intimate connections that Tantra fosters.

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