Orgasmic Birth: Conscious Conception, Pregnancy, and Ecstatic Birthing

Oct 09, 2024
Orgasmic Birth

In recent years, a growing number of women and birth practitioners have been rediscovering the ancient practice of orgasmic birth, also known as birthgasm, a phenomenon that transforms childbirth from an experience of fear and pain into one of profound ecstasy, love, and connection. Coupled with conscious conception, mindful pregnancy, and comprehensive childbirth education, orgasmic birth can create a ripple effect of joy and healing that benefits not only the mother and child but also the broader fabric of humanity.


Understanding Orgasmic Birth

Orgasmic birth is a phenomenon where women experience intense pleasure and even orgasm during childbirth. This concept challenges the traditional view of childbirth as a painful and traumatic experience, contrasting with the more commonly known natural birth. While it may seem unconventional, orgasmic birth is a real and documented experience that has been reported by many women. Understanding the physiology and psychology behind orgasmic birth can help women and healthcare providers approach childbirth with a more open and positive mindset.


Conscious Conception: The Gateway to a Blissful Birth

Conscious Conception

The foundation for an orgasmic birth is laid at the moment of conception. Tantra and other ancient spiritual traditions have long held that the circumstances surrounding conception have a strong impact on the soul that chooses to incarnate through the parents. The physical, emotional, and spiritual energy of the couple during the act of conception is critical in determining which soul will be drawn to embody through them. The concept of 'spiritual birth' emphasizes the profound significance of conscious conception in inviting a soul into the world with heightened spiritual awareness.

If you’re planning to conceive, consider the following steps to create the optimal conditions for conscious conception:

1. Emotional and Spiritual Alignment: Before attempting to conceive, it’s important to ensure that both partners are in a state of emotional harmony and spiritual readiness. This can be achieved through meditation, conscious communication, and practices such as Tantra, which align the sexual energy with higher consciousness.

2. Astrological Timing: In Tantric tradition, the timing of conception can influence the soul that is attracted to the womb. Consulting a Vedic Astrologer or using astrological tools to determine the most auspicious time for conception may support the intention of inviting an evolved or spiritually inclined soul.

3. Physical Health: Preparing the body for conception is essential. Both partners should focus on a clean, healthy diet rich in nutrients that support fertility and well-being. Eliminating toxins such as alcohol, processed foods, and chemicals from the environment can help create a healthy vessel for conception. It is also very helpful if both partners can go through a one month Ayurveda Pancha Karma Retreat to ensure that both sperm and egg will be of optimal health as a preparation for conception.

4. Set a Sacred Space: When you and your partner come together for the purpose of conception, treat it as a sacred ritual. Create an environment that feels loving and safe, light candles, play soft music, and invite feelings of deep love and connection. This will set the stage for a mindful, aware conception that is more likely to result in an orgasmic birth.

5. Conscious Intention: Enter into the act of conception with a clear and focused intention. You might say a prayer, engage in a meditation, or hold hands with your partner as you set the shared goal of inviting a soul into your lives. This practice of conscious intention helps to attract a soul that aligns with the higher energies of love and consciousness.

Osho, the Indian mystic, shared a remarkable story of waiting over 700 years to reincarnate because he could not find parents with the right vibration to bring him into the world. His story is an example of the spiritual significance of conscious conception and the importance of preparing your body and mind for this sacred act.


The Sacred Womb: Nurturing Life with Love and Awareness

The Sacred Womb

Once conception has occurred, pregnant women should nurture their growing fetus with as much love, peace, and awareness as possible. Pregnancy is a time when a woman becomes the vessel for new life, and everything she experiences, her emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations, directly affects the developing child. A holistic birth is important in nurturing life during pregnancy.

Creating an Optimal Pregnancy Environment for an Undisturbed Birth

1. Meditation and Visualization: Daily meditation is a powerful way for the mother to connect with her unborn child. Visualizing the child growing in a state of love and bliss can help create a positive imprint that will carry into the birth experience. A practice as simple as closing the eyes, placing hands on the belly, and breathing deeply while sending love to the baby can work wonders. Additionally, incorporating a birth plan can play a crucial role in preparing for an undisturbed birth.

2. Mindful Movement and Yoga: Gentle movement practices like prenatal yoga, walking in nature, and dance can help keep the body relaxed and open, which is essential for a smooth birth. Yoga, in particular, is known to ease tension in the body, align the pelvis, and prepare the muscles for labor. Some poses, such as squatting and hip openers, mimic the positions that can help facilitate an easier and more natural birth.

3. Nutrition and Hydration: Eating a well-balanced diet rich in whole foods, healthy fats, and plenty of water is key. Avoid processed foods, alcohol, smoking and caffeine, which can create toxins in the body and hinder the body’s ability to function at its best during birth.

4. Music and Sound: The sound environment is equally important. Soft, relaxing music, particularly during meditation, can create a calming atmosphere for both the mother and the baby. Many mothers find that singing or playing mantras or relaxing melodies can help build a connection with the unborn child and ease any anxieties about labor.

5. Self-Hypnosis for Birth Preparation: The mind has incredible power over the body, and birth is no exception. Many women who have experienced orgasmic birth use self-hypnosis techniques to release the fear of pain and reprogram the mind to expect pleasure and bliss during labor. Hypnobirthing, a popular method, is based on the premise that by relaxing the mind and body and focusing on positive outcomes, the mother can create a joyful and painless birth. These techniques can serve as a form of pain relief, helping to manage physical sensations and emotional well-being during labor.

Avoiding Negative Influences for Pain Relief

Equally important is what the mother avoids during pregnancy. Stress, negative emotions, and toxic environments can have a profound effect on the growing baby. Here are some things to steer clear of during pregnancy:

  • Loud, harsh environments (such as traffic, loud music, or aggressive media)
  • Toxic substances (including alcohol, drugs, and tobacco)
  • Stress-inducing people and situations
  • Violent or disturbing media (such as violent movies, negative news, or stressful books)

The mother should be encouraged to surround herself with beauty, love, and peace, as this will support both her well-being and the well-being of the baby. Engaging with positive birth stories can help create a positive mindset during pregnancy.


Understanding Orgasmic Birth

childbirth climax

The connection between childbirth and pleasure is deeply rooted in the body’s physiological responses during labor. As labor progresses, the body naturally produces a powerful cocktail of birth hormones that not only facilitate childbirth but also have the potential to induce states of pleasure and even ecstasy.

One of the most significant hormones involved in labor is oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone.” Released in waves, oxytocin drives uterine contractions, helping the baby descend through the birth canal. Beyond its role in the mechanics of birth, oxytocin also fosters deep feelings of connection, relaxation, and well-being. This hormone is the same one released during intimate moments like orgasm, and it’s a key player in creating a sense of pleasure during labor.

Additionally, endorphins, the body’s natural pain relievers, flood the system in response to the intensity of contractions. These powerful neurochemicals not only diminish the perception of pain but also contribute to feelings of euphoria and transcendence. The higher the levels of endorphins, the more likely a woman is to experience labor as an empowering and pleasurable journey, rather than a painful ordeal.

Vaginal and cervical stimulation during labo, whether from the baby’s movement or intentional touch, can activate the same pleasure centers in the brain that are stimulated during sexual activity. Nipple stimulation in particular has been shown to increase oxytocin levels, intensifying contractions while simultaneously deepening feelings of pleasure. For some women, clitoral stimulation during labor can trigger sensations of intense pleasure, further enhancing the body’s natural ability to experience orgasmic birth.

DMT Release During Childbirth

Our bodies contain a natural pharmacy, and one fascinating substance released during birth is DMT (dimethyltryptamine). Both mother and child experience this release, which can give rise to feelings of ecstasy, along with psychedelic colors, and even visions of deities, angels, or other spiritual phenomena. This naturally occurring DMT opens the gateway to higher wisdom and expanded consciousness, making birth a deeply spiritual experience for many women.


The Art of Orgasmic Birth: Achieving a Pleasurable Birth Experience in Labor

Now, let’s explore the pinnacle of this journey: orgasmic birth. What does it mean, and how can it be achieved? Orgasmic birth is the experience of labor and childbirth as intensely pleasurable, an ecstatic, even orgasmic event. Rather than dreading pain, women who prepare for orgasmic birth see labor as an opportunity to tap into their body’s natural ability to produce bliss hormones such as oxytocin and endorphins. Some women may even experience orgasm during childbirth due to the interplay of these hormones and physiological factors involved in labor.

The concept of orgasmic birth views giving birth as a potentially pleasurable experience rather than a painful one. It explores the connection between sexual pleasure and the physiological processes involved in labor, highlighting how mindset and the birth environment can influence this experience. The importance of a supportive birth environment is crucial in achieving a pleasurable birth experience.

Understanding and recognizing the sexual dimensions of birth, including sexual expression, can improve midwifery practices and overall birthing experiences. Engaging in sexual stimulation during labor may enhance comfort and reduce pain, although societal norms and lack of privacy can inhibit such expressions.

The Role of Sexuality and Touch in Birth

Vaginal stimulation, including nipple and clitoral stimulation, has been shown to release oxytocin, the hormone responsible for both uterine contractions and feelings of deep connection, love, and pleasure. In the same way that sexual arousal enhances feelings of relaxation and euphoria, these forms of touch during labor can similarly heighten sensations, making the birthing process not only more comfortable but also potentially orgasmic.

Currently, birth practices are often detached from the sensual and intimate aspects of a woman’s body, largely due to societal discomfort with mixing sexuality and birth. If this stigma were removed, women could feel more empowered to engage with their own bodies during labor, embracing the full range of sensations that birth naturally offers. Clitoral stimulation or a gentle, sensual massage from a trusted partner during labor can amplify the body’s production of oxytocin and endorphins, deepening the potential for pleasure and even orgasm.

Touch, especially when it comes from a supportive partner or caregiver, also plays a crucial role in communicating reassurance and comfort during birth. Gentle stroking, massage, or simply holding the mother’s hand can help her feel more relaxed, secure, and open to the sensations of labor. 

One of my students told me about a tradition that was common in the village she comes from in Russia; as soon as the mother to be experienced her water breaking and the start of contractions, she and her love partner would begin making love. In this culture, it is a longstanding belief that this will ensure an ecstatic and healthy birthing process.


Ayurveda and Conscious Pregnancy

I interviewed an Ayurvedic Physician, Dr. Mini Joy, about the Ayurvedic approach to pregnancy and birth. She told me many fascinating details of the thousands of year old protocol for mothers to be and new mothers. This protocol includes the taking of particular herbs, various types of massage, including internal massage at specific times in the pregnancy, mantra and special sattvic and highly nurturing foods.

After the birth, mother and child are expected to rest and bond with their infant for 40 days while they are looked after by family members and Ayurvedic practitioners. Both baby and mother receive daily massage and the mother receives a special diet to enhance her productivity of healthy milk for feeding her infant.


How to Achieve Orgasmic Birth

Environmental factors during pregnancy

  1. Sexual Awareness During Pregnancy: A healthy, active sexual life during pregnancy can prime the body for orgasmic birth. Sexual pleasure, including orgasm, stimulates the release of oxytocin, the same hormone that drives labor contractions. Engaging in sensual massage, spending time in intimacy, and even practicing yoni massage can help a woman stay in touch with her sexual energy, which will serve her well during labor.
  2. Overcome the Fear of Pain: The belief that birth is inherently painful is a significant barrier to orgasmic birth. The body produces endorphins and other bliss-inducing hormones during labor, but fear can shut down this process, leading to increased pain. Learning to reframe the sensations of labor as powerful and pleasurable, rather than painful, is a key step toward achieving an ecstatic birth. Techniques such as hypnobirthing, affirmations, and positive birth stories can help the mother feel empowered and excited about the birth process.
  3. Labor in a Supportive Environment: Women who feel safe and supported are more likely to relax into the experience and allow the body’s natural hormones to flow. Dim lighting, soft music, the presence of a loving partner or doula, and the ability to move freely are all conducive to orgasmic birth. A childbirth educator can also play a crucial role in preparing for an orgasmic birth by challenging traditional beliefs and promoting the idea that childbirth can encompass sexual pleasure and emotional connection.
  4. Use Relaxation Techniques: As labor progresses, the body will naturally produce endorphins, which can create sensations of pleasure and even ecstasy. To facilitate this, it’s important to remain relaxed. Techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, and guided meditation can help the mother stay calm and open to the experience. The more relaxed she is, the more likely she is to experience pleasure during labor.
  5. Trust the Body’s Wisdom: One of the key elements of orgasmic birth is allowing the body to follow its natural wisdom. Birth is an instinctual process, and the body knows exactly what to do. Trusting this wisdom—rather than trying to control or resist the sensations—can help facilitate an orgasmic experience. This involves surrendering to the waves of contractions, rather than tensing up or fighting against them. Many women find that embracing the rhythm of labor, much like riding the waves of sexual pleasure, allows the birth to flow more easily and with less pain. An undisturbed birth can further enhance this experience by allowing the natural hormonal processes to unfold without interference.
  6. Movement and Positioning: During labor, it is essential to have the freedom to move and adopt positions that feel comfortable. Movement helps the baby descend through the birth canal and encourages the release of pleasure hormones. Some women experience more intense pleasure when squatting, rocking on a birth ball, or swaying their hips. Changing positions and following the body’s natural cues can make labor more comfortable and may even stimulate feelings of pleasure.
  7. Sensual Touch and Massage: Throughout labor, physical touch can help stimulate the production of oxytocin, which can lead to pleasurable sensations. Sensual massage, especially of the lower back, thighs, and abdomen, can help a laboring woman feel more relaxed and connected to her body. Some women also find that gentle stimulation of erogenous zones during labor, whether through touch, nipple stimulation, or even intercourse (if desired and appropriate), can enhance the sensations of labor, turning contractions into waves of pleasure.
  8. Breathing and Sounding: Breath is a powerful tool for achieving an orgasmic birth. Deep, rhythmic breathing helps to keep the body relaxed, oxygenated, and open. Some women find that as labor progresses, sounding, making deep moaning or chanting sounds, helps them stay connected to the pleasurable sensations. Vocalizing freely can help release tension and tap into the body’s natural rhythm, encouraging a deeper connection to the ecstasy of birth.
  9. Embrace the Sensuality of Birth: Birth is inherently a sensual experience, as it involves many of the same organs, hormones, and physical sensations as sexual activity. Approaching labor as a continuation of one’s sexual journey, rather than something separate from it, can help a woman feel more open to the possibility of orgasmic birth. Surrounding yourself with elements that evoke sensuality, such as warm water (birthing in a bath or pool), soft fabrics, and calming scents, can help keep the experience pleasurable. A hospital setting may pose challenges for achieving an orgasmic birth due to its clinical environment, which can limit privacy and personal comfort.

Embrace Ecstasy in Birth with Tantra

Birth can be so much more than you’ve imagined, it can be an ecstatic, joyful, and transformative experience. Our Tantra for Women courses, retreats, and resources offer you the tools to prepare your body and mind for the possibility of a birthgasm. Learn how to activate your body’s pleasure pathways and deepen your connection to the sacred act of birthing.


The Importance of a Supportive Birth Team

birthing room

You must select a midwife, doula, or birth partner who is familiar with and supportive of your desire for an orgasmic birth experience. Your birth team should be well-versed in natural birthing techniques, pain management without medication, and creating a safe, nurturing environment that promotes relaxation and pleasure.

A supportive birth team understands the importance of minimizing medical interventions unless absolutely necessary. Interventions such as epidurals, continuous fetal monitoring, and unnecessary cesarean sections can disrupt the natural flow of labor, making it harder to achieve an orgasmic birth. Your birth team should be committed to respecting your birth plan, allowing you the freedom to move, make noise, and follow your body’s natural instincts.

Healing from Birth Trauma

Even with the best preparation, some women may experience birth trauma due to unforeseen complications, interventions, or unaddressed fears. It’s important to remember that healing from birth trauma is possible, and doing so can have profound effects on both the mother and child.
Some healing modalities for birth trauma include:

  • Limbic Re-imprinting: This technique, developed by Elena Vladimirova, helps individuals release trauma from the limbic system, where birth experiences are imprinted. Limbic re-imprinting can help both parents and children heal from traumatic births and create a new blueprint for love and life.
  • Rebirthing Therapy: This breathwork technique helps individuals re-experience their own birth and release any trauma stored in the body. It is especially helpful for those who experienced difficult or traumatic births, as it allows for emotional and energetic release in a safe and controlled way.
  • Cranial Sacral Therapy: This gentle form of bodywork helps release physical tension and trauma from the body, particularly from the head and spine, which are often affected during birth. Cranial sacral therapy can help both mother and child recover from a difficult birth and restore balance to the nervous system.
  • Color Light Therapy (CLT): This therapy involves the use of colored lights applied to specific points on the body to heal birth trauma and release emotional blockages. CLT can help unwind the traumatic imprints from the time in the womb and the birth itself.


The Power of Orgasmic Birth: A New Paradigm for Humanity

Obstetrical orgasm

The potential of orgasmic birth extends far beyond the individual experience. When children are brought into the world through love, pleasure, and bliss, they carry these imprints with them throughout their lives. They grow up with a natural inclination toward joy, love, and harmony, rather than fear and pain.

Orgasmic birth has the power to transform not just individual families, but society as a whole. Imagine a world where every child is born in an environment of love and ecstasy. The ripple effect of such births would be felt in every aspect of life, leading to healthier relationships, more harmonious communities, and a more peaceful and loving world.

The practice of conscious conception, mindful pregnancy, and orgasmic birth can truly change the trajectory of humanity. We see this in cultures such as the Kogi Indians of Colombia, who have long practiced conscious conception and pregnancy as a way to raise enlightened beings. Their reverence for the sacredness of birth has resulted in generations of individuals who live in harmony with the earth and each other.


Film Recommendation: Birth As We Know It by Elena Vladimirova Tonetti


If you're looking for a deeper understanding of the natural and ecstatic birth experience, the film Birth As We Know It by Elena Vladimirova Tonetti is an excellent resource. This documentary explores the sacredness of childbirth, showcasing real-life stories of women who have embraced a conscious, blissful approach to giving birth. With powerful visuals and intimate insights, the film provides a glimpse into how birth can be a journey of profound love and connection, rather than pain and fear.

It emphasizes the importance of preparation, mindset, and support in creating an environment where a mother can fully surrender to the process and experience birth as a deeply spiritual and ecstatic event. This film is a must-watch for anyone interested in the possibilities of natural, undisturbed, and orgasmic birth.

Watch This Film


Book Recommendations


Gentle Birth Method by Dr. Gowri Motha
For those seeking a holistic guide to pregnancy and birth, Gentle Birth Method by Dr. Gowri Motha offers a comprehensive approach that integrates ancient wisdom with modern prenatal care. Dr. Motha, a respected obstetrician and childbirth expert, shares her philosophy of gentle birthing, which emphasizes minimal medical intervention and maximum emotional and physical support. The book outlines a detailed plan for expectant mothers, focusing on diet, exercise, and emotional well-being throughout pregnancy. It also includes practical advice on preparing the body for birth using techniques like massage, reflexology, and visualization.


Gentle First Year by Dr. Gowri Motha
After the birth, the journey of motherhood continues, and Dr. Gowri Motha's Gentle First Year offers invaluable guidance for nurturing both the baby and mother during this critical period. This book is a holistic guide to the first year of life, with a focus on gentle parenting practices that promote bonding, emotional security, and physical health.
Dr. Motha emphasizes the importance of supporting the mother’s postpartum recovery, offering advice on breastfeeding, nutrition, and emotional well-being. She provides insight into baby massage, natural remedies, and ways to foster a harmonious family environment during the first year of the child’s life.


Conclusion: Bringing Orgasmic Birth into Reality

As we move into a new era of conscious parenting, it’s time to embrace the possibilities of orgasmic birth and conscious conception. These practices offer a way to bring new life into the world with love, joy, and intention. For those on the path of parenthood, exploring these techniques can lead to a more fulfilling and connected experience, one that honors both the mother’s body and the soul of the child.

To begin this journey, consider attending workshops, reading books, or connecting with birth professionals who specialize in orgasmic birth and conscious conception. Surround yourself with a supportive community that encourages you to trust your body and the birthing process. As more women and families embrace these practices, we will see a global shift toward healthier, happier, and more connected generations.

Let’s work together to create a world where every child is born in bliss, love, and ecstasy. Let’s do it!

Ma Ananda Sarita


Ma Ananda Sarita

Ma Ananda Sarita is a Tantra master, initiated into Tantra in 1973 by Osho. With over 30 years of teaching experience, she offers courses and retreats worldwide. As the voice behind this blog, Sarita offers readers a glimpse into the power of Tantra.

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