The Divine Feminine: Find Your Inner Goddess

Aug 06, 2024
divine feminine

There is a wellspring of intuition, creativity, and nurturing power lying dormant within you. This is the essence of the divine feminine - a transformative energy that, when awakened, can revolutionize your life and reshape your world.


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Understanding the Divine Feminine Energy

The divine feminine is not just a concept - it's a living, breathing force that pulses through the universe and resides within each of us, regardless of gender. It's the counterpart to the divine masculine, and when balanced, these two energies create harmony in our lives and in the world around us. But in our fast-paced, achievement-oriented society, many of us have lost touch with this vital aspect of ourselves. The consequences? Burnout, disconnection, and a nagging sense that something essential is missing from our lives.


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What Does Divine Feminine Energy Feel Like?

divine feminine

Connecting with your own divine love and feminine essence is a sensation of coming home to yourself, of finally exhaling a breath you didn't know you were holding.

When you tap into this energy, you might experience:

1. A deep sense of intuitive knowing

2. Enhanced creativity and inspiration

3. Increased compassion for yourself and others

4. A feeling of being grounded and connected to the earth

5. A natural flow and ease in your daily life

6. Joy and a new sense of aliveness in your body

7. Acceptance for yourself especially your body

8. That your sensitivity is your very super power

9. That love is indeed the most powerful force in the universe.


Definition and Roots of the Divine Feminine

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At its core, the divine feminine is the yin to the divine masculine's yang. It's the dance of creation, the nurturing force that breathes life into the universe. This concept transcends any single belief system, offering all other women a universal lens through which we can view the world and ourselves.

Tantra, in particular, provides a fascinating perspective on this balance. In Tantric philosophy, and practices the masculine and feminine are equally revered, both in the grand cosmic scale and within each individual. It's a path that doesn't just acknowledge these dual forces - it celebrates them, teaching us that true spiritual enlightenment comes from harmonizing these energies within ourselves.

Goddesses & Feminine Archetypes

The divine feminine is deeply rooted in the physical, celebrating the female body as a sacred vessel of creation. This idea stretches back to our earliest ancestors, who carved voluptuous "Venus" figurines as objects of worship. These ancient goddesses, with their full breasts, rounded bellies, and wide hips, stand in stark contrast to today's often unrealistic beauty standards.

The worship of the divine feminine is as old as time itself. From the archaic goddesses of central Europe to the complex pantheons of Hinduism, from Mother Gaia to the womb of creation, cultures around the world have recognized and revered the life-giving power of the feminine.

Did you know that women were humanity's first timekeepers? The regular cycles of menstruation provided our ancestors with one of their earliest ways to mark the passage of time.

In embracing the divine feminine, we honor all stages of a woman's life journey. We celebrate the blossoming Maiden, the erotic Woman the nurturing Mother, and the wise Crone equally. This is a spirituality that says "YES" to life in all its forms, that revels in deep embodiment and brings heavenly energy down to earth.

Visually, the divine feminine is often represented by a downward-facing triangle, symbolizing the process of manifestation - bringing energy from the spiritual realm into the physical world. It's a reminder that the divine feminine isn't just about lofty ideals, but about grounding those ideals in the here and now, in our bodies and our daily lives.


Divine Feminine Qualities

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At its core, the divine feminine is about receptivity - but not in a passive sense. It's an active openness, a willingness to receive and then transmute. Like the earth itself, it takes in raw materials and transforms them into life-sustaining nourishment.

Intuition is another cornerstone of divine feminine energy. This isn't just about "women's intuition" - it's a deep, visceral knowing that transcends logic. It's the ability to read between the lines, to sense the undercurrents that others miss.

Compassion and empathy are also key qualities. The divine feminine sees the interconnectedness of all things and responds with care and understanding. This isn't a weakness - it's a profound strength that can heal and unite.

A woman can become a healing force herself, by opening to total self love and then become the very embodiment of love. The feminine default is to connect and attune to love. It is woman's nature to be in devotion and service to something higher. May it be her family, partner, her company or the Divine.

Finally, there's cyclical awareness. The divine feminine understands and honors the natural cycles of life, death, and rebirth. It recognizes that endings are just new beginnings in disguise, and it finds power in surrender and release.

Thus when we connect with the energetics of our menstrual cycle we can learn to tune into the natural rhythms of our body and tune into embodied intelligence, which is so very needed in the current times of disconnect from the body and mother nature herself.


Masculine and Feminine Energies Are Not Tied to Gender or Sexual Preference

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Masculine energy isn't the sole domain of men, just as feminine energy isn't exclusive to women. These energies are universal forces that exist within every human being, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Think of the masculine and feminine as complementary forces, like the positive and negative charges in electricity. Just as both charges are necessary for electricity to flow, both masculine and feminine energies are essential for human beings to function at their fullest potential.

Every person, regardless of how they identify, carries both these energies within them. The proportions might vary, but the presence of both is universal. A woman can embody strong masculine energy in her career drive or leadership style, while still connecting deeply with her feminine aspects in other areas of life. Similarly, a man can tap into a nurturing, intuitive, & feminine essence while parenting, while expressing masculine energy in his creative pursuits.

This understanding liberates us from the confining boxes of gender stereotypes. It allows each individual to explore and express the full spectrum of their being, without fear of not conforming to societal expectations based on their gender or sexual preference.


The Importance of Balancing Both Energies for Wholeness

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Achieving balance between the masculine and feminine essence is a practical necessity for living a fulfilled, harmonious life. This balance is the key to unlocking our true potential and living in alignment with our highest selves.

When we successfully integrate both energies, we experience a profound sense of wholeness. It's like finally completing a puzzle we've been working on our entire lives. Suddenly, everything clicks into place. We feel more centered, more authentic, less vulnerable and more capable of navigating life's challenges with grace and power.

This state of balance ignites what many spiritual traditions call "soul power" - an innate ability to manifest our deepest desires and attract what we need for our highest good. It's not about forcing things to happen through sheer will (a purely masculine approach), nor is it about passively waiting for things to come to us (an extreme feminine stance). Instead, it's a dynamic interplay of action and receptivity, of doing and being.

When we're in this flow state, life becomes less of a struggle and more of a dance. We find ourselves in the right place at the right time, meeting the right people, and opportunities seem to fall into our laps. This isn't mere coincidence - it's the result of being aware and in harmony with the universal energies that shape our reality.

However, living in a state of imbalance can have serious consequences. An excess of masculine energy without feminine balance can lead to burnout, aggression, and a disconnection from emotions and intuition. On the flip side, an overabundance of feminine energy without masculine drive can result in indecisiveness, lack of boundaries, and difficulty in manifesting goals.

It's crucial to remember that our true nature - our soul or spirit - transcends the duality of masculine and feminine. We are, at our core, pure consciousness experiencing itself through the lens of human existence. The ancient Taoist symbol of yin and yang beautifully illustrates this concept - two opposing forces that are actually part of a greater whole, eternally dancing in perfect balance.


Recognizing and Releasing the Wounded Feminine Patterns

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The first step in embracing femininity is through opening our heart by loving ourselves and this might include acknowledging the wounds we carry. These wounded feminine patterns often manifest as anxiety, fear, and a pervasive sense of unease.

Eating disorders, being stuck in a victim mindset, issues with our menstrual cycle, abusive patterns in relationships etc. rigidity with our bodies and emotions. They're the voice that whispers we're not enough, that we need to control everything to be safe, that vulnerability is weakness.

Recognizing these patterns requires courage and honesty. It means looking unflinchingly at our behaviors, our fears, our knee-jerk reactions. Do we constantly seek approval? Do we dim our light to make others comfortable? Do we exhaust ourselves trying to be perfect? These are all symptoms of the wounded feminine.

But recognition is only the beginning. The real work lies in releasing these patterns. Recognizing and acknowledging these patterns, releasing pent up emotions and working with methods of healing to be able to accept ourselves more deeply is the way to release them.

This isn't about following some external ideal of femininity. Instead, it's about softening, flowing, and relaxing into our true essence. It's a process of unlearning and remembering - unlearning the rigid control mechanisms we've adopted for protection, and remembering the fluid, intuitive wisdom that is our birthright. Rejoicing in the gift that the feminine is not only in our own lives but for the whole world.

This journey involves embracing healing on all levels. It means making peace with our bodies, honoring them as sacred vessels rather than projects to be perfected. It's about opening to the power of sisterhood, recognizing the profound strength that emerges when women gather in a conscious, loving community.

As we embrace divine femininity, we awaken these power centers within us:

  • The Heart Chakra (4th) blossoms with love, nurturing energy, beauty, and compassion. We access the heart as our main power center and lead lives in service of love. Love and wholeness become our very nature.
  • The Sacral Chakra (2nd) in our belly connects us to our emotions, our cyclical nature, our capacity for pleasure and sensuality, and our ability to flow with life's changes. We as women carry the transmission of sensuality and pleasure. This chakra is also a portal into female sexual ecstasy.
  • The Third Eye Chakra (6th) opens, enhancing our intuition and natural psychic abilities, connecting us to our inner mystic and priestess. With our deep attunement with nature and energetic phenomena we are able to live in Bliss and expanded states of consciousness.
  • The Crown Chakra (7th) reminds us that each woman is a unique expression of the divine feminine, becoming a blessing to the world as we embody our true nature.

Surrendering to Inner Balance and Harmony

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The path to divine femininity isn't about striving or achieving. It's about surrendering - not in defeat, but in profound trust and openness. This surrender is the key to unlocking inner balance and harmony, allowing us to live with greater ease, joy and wholeness.

Surrendering means releasing the iron grip of control we've been taught to maintain. It's about trusting in the wisdom of our bodies, the guidance of our intuition, the ebb and flow of our emotional tides. When we surrender, we stop fighting against ourselves and start flowing with the currents of life.

This doesn't mean becoming passive or weak. On the contrary, true surrender requires immense strength and courage. It's about having the fortitude to remain open and receptive in a world that often demands we armor ourselves. It's about trusting in the divine timing of our lives, rather than trying to force outcomes through sheer will.

As we surrender to inner balance, we discover a deeper connection - to ourselves, to others, to the world around us. We become more attuned to the subtle energies that guide us, more responsive to the needs of our bodies and souls. We find ourselves moving through life with greater grace and less resistance.

Embracing divine femininity is not about becoming something other than what we are. It's in truth about remembering who we've always been beneath the layers of conditioning and wounding. It's a homecoming to our true selves - wild, wise, and wondrously powerful in our softness and strength alike.


Find Harmony in Partnerships

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The dance of partnership is one of the most profound arenas for exploring and balancing the masculine and feminine. When we achieve this balance, we unlock the potential for a truly sacred union - a relationship that nourishes not just our bodies and hearts, but our very souls.

Cultivating this harmony isn't about conforming to gender stereotypes. Rather, it's about recognizing and honoring the unique blend of energies and divine wisdom that each partner brings to the relationship. It's about creating a space where both energies can flow freely, complement each other, and create a synergy greater than the sum of its parts.

When energies are in balance within a partnership, we experience:

  • Deeper Connection: There's a profound sense of understanding and attunement. Communication flows effortlessly, not just through words, but through intuitive knowing.
  • Mutual Respect: Each partner honors the other's strengths and supports their growth. There's no competition, only collaboration.
  • Mirroring: partners become mirrors for each other, body, mind and soul.
  • Unconditional Love: Love becomes a force that transcends conditions and expectations. It's a love that accepts, nurtures, and celebrates the entirety of each person.
  • Sexual Intimacy: Physical intimacy becomes a sacred act, a merging of energies that goes beyond mere physical pleasure to touch the divine.
  • Emotional Intimacy: There's safety in vulnerability. Emotions are shared openly, received with compassion, and used as a pathway to deeper understanding.
  • Spiritual Attunement: The relationship becomes a vehicle for spiritual growth, with partners supporting each other's evolution and experiencing a shared connection to something greater than themselves.

This balance can lead to the phenomenon of the Soulmate - a partnership so profound and complementary that it feels predestined. However, it's important to remember that such connections aren't just found; they're cultivated through conscious effort and mutual growth.


Steps for Integrating Feminine Energy in Daily Life

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Meditation & Mindfulness

  • Body Scan Meditation: This practice increases body awareness, helping you connect with the wisdom and intuition stored in your physical form.
  • Heart-Centered Meditation: Focus on your heart center to cultivate compassion, love, and emotional awareness.
  • Moon Cycle Meditation: Align your meditation practice with the lunar cycle to tap into natural rhythms and cyclical awareness.
  • Mindful Movement: Practices like yoga or free-form dance can help you embody feminine energy through fluid, intuitive movement.


As women we resonate with a ritualistic way of living, making a seemingly mundane act divine. Acting from intention rather than habit. Rituals help us attune and go through the many initiations and sacred transitions in life.


Sisterhood is an important aspect on our journey of embracing our divine feminine. Gather with like minded women, often you can find woman's circles were mutual support and a safe space is held for you to explore and expand in the presence of other women. Together we rise.


Tantra offers a profound path to awakening and integrating the feminine. It teaches us to embrace our sensuality, honor our bodies as sacred vessels, and use sexual energy as a gateway to spiritual awakening.

divine feminine

Goddess Essence Retreats

Are you ready to step into your full power as a divine feminine being? Our Goddess Essence Retreats offer a sacred space for you to transform into the goddess you are meant to be.

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Creative Expression

Creativity serves as a potent conduit for feminine energy, offering a myriad of ways to tap into our inner wellspring of wisdom and intuition. By engaging in activities that allow for free expression and flow, we open ourselves to the profound insights and healing power of our creative feminine essence.

Art becomes a form of visual meditation when approached intuitively. Whether you're drawn to painting, sculpting, or collage, allow your hands to move guided by feeling rather than thought. Watch as colors, shapes, and textures emerge, telling stories your conscious mind may not yet understand but your soul deeply knows.

Music, too, can be a powerful tool for connecting with feminine energy. Sing freely, letting your voice express joy, sorrow, or whatever emotion arises. If you play an instrument, approach it with a spirit of exploration and play. Even simply listening to music can be transformative - allow yourself to be fully immersed in the soundscape, feeling the rhythms and melodies resonate through your body.

Perhaps one of the most direct ways to embody feminine creative energy is through dance. Move your body freely, without predetermined steps or expectations. Let the music - or even the silence - guide your movements. As you dance, you may find emotions releasing, insights arising, and a deep sense of connection to your body and the present moment.

Dance is a wonderful way to practice surrender on all levels and disappear as your small self into the whole. Dance can be your prayer.

Self-reflection and discernment

Self-reflection and discernment help us distinguish between our authentic selves and conditioned responses, allowing us to align more closely with our true nature.

Try these practices:

1. Regular Journaling: Reflect on your emotions, intuitions, and experiences.

2. Energy Check-ins: Throughout the day, pause to notice how you feel energetically.

3. Dream Work: Pay attention to your dreams and reflect on their messages.

4. Intuition Exercises: Practice making decisions based on your gut feelings, then reflect on the outcomes.


The Feminine Way of Meditation: Nurturing Your Divine Essence

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Traditional meditation practices, often designed by men for men, can sometimes leave the feminine essence feeling parched and unfulfilled. While practices like silent sitting have their place, it's crucial to balance these with approaches that nourish and celebrate our feminine energy.

What if the ways we've been taught to function, perform, and even meditate are more attuned to the masculine energies within us? Let's explore a more balanced approach that honors both the stillness of traditional practices and the flowing, expressive nature of feminine energy:

1. Let your body lead the way in free-form dance. This allows for emotional release and intuitive expression.

2. Create space for emotional expression. Allow feelings to arise and flow without judgment, honoring the wisdom they carry.

3. Focus on your heart center, cultivating compassion for yourself and others. This aligns with the feminine as the custodian of love.

4. Incorporate gentle touch or self-massage into your meditation. This helps you connect with your body's innate wisdom.

5. Use tarot or oracle cards as a meditation tool. This taps into your intuitive abilities and subconscious knowledge.

6. Honor your body's capacity for pleasure and orgasmic energy as a path to spiritual awakening.


Embodying Self-Love: A Sacred Journey Through the Body

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We often hear the advice to "love yourself," but for many women, this can lead to frustration or numbness. How do we truly embody self-love in a way that resonates with our feminine essence?

The journey to self-love begins with simple acceptance, and for many women, this starts with our bodies. Here's how to cultivate a loving relationship with your physical self:

  1. Befriend Your Body: Start by acknowledging your body without judgment. Observe it with curiosity and compassion.
  2. Heal Destructive Patterns: Recognize and gently release harmful self-judgments and behaviors. Replace them with kind, nurturing thoughts and actions.
  3. Honor Your Sacred Vessel: In Tantra, the body is seen as sacred - a vessel for spirit. Your spiritual journey begins with and flows through your physical form.
  4. Learn from Nature: Observe how animals inhabit their bodies with ease and comfort. Allow yourself to emulate this natural embodiment.
  5. Engage in Embodying Activities:: Participate in practices that help you feel present in your body:
    • Receive nurturing touch through massage
    • Walk mindfully in nature, feeling the earth beneath your feet
    • Dance freely, allowing your body to move intuitively
    • Connect with the earth through gardening or other grounding activities

Ma Ananda Sarita



Tanmaya combines her background in acting, singing and meditation with a wide range of group facilitation, bringing joy and lightness to her Tantra teachings. Having been a dedicated apprentice of Ma Ananda Sarita since 2011, Tanmaya has evolved into one of the world’s best Tantra Teachers. She leads Tantra Essence couples’, singles’ and women’s Retreats as well as Teacher Trainings.

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