What is a Soulmate & How to Know If You've Found the One

Sep 12, 2024
what is a soulmate

“Two lovers can be transformed so deeply that all their seven centres can start meeting. Tantra is the science of turning ordinary lovers into soul mates. It can transform the whole earth; it can transform each couple into soul mates. It is one of the greatest treasures that is lying there, unused. The day humanity uses it, the earth will become aglow with a new love.” - Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Vol 1

A magnetic pull, a sense of completeness, that feeling of coming home, and a deep connection, these are the signs of a potential soulmate connection. But what exactly is a soulmate, and how can you be sure you’ve found yours in this vast sea of eight billion souls?

The concept of a soulmate promises a love so profound it can alter the very fabric of your existence. But is this idea of a perfect match, a predestined partner, rooted in truth, in reality or merely a romantic fantasy?


Are Soulmates Real?

soul mate love

From a scientific standpoint, while there’s no direct evidence supporting predestined partners, research offers intriguing insights into why we might feel such intense connections with certain individuals. The neurochemistry of love plays a significant role, with our brains releasing a cocktail of chemicals like dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin when we fall in love.

These neurotransmitters create feelings of euphoria, attachment, and well-being, potentially explaining the intense bond we feel with a “soulmate.” This bond is often characterized by an emotional connection that provides a supportive and nurturing relationship.

Research on couples who report feeling deeply connected shows increased synchronization in their heart rates and brain waves when in each other’s presence. This physiological harmony might explain the sense of being “in tune” with a soulmate.


The Symbolism of Soulmates

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Ancient Greek mythology, as described in Plato’s “Symposium,” tells of humans originally having four arms, four legs, and two faces. Zeus, fearing their power, split them in half, leaving humans to search for their other half - their soulmate.

In Hinduism, the concept of Ardhanarishvara represents the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies, not just as the union of soulmates, but as the union of opposing forces within oneself. It symbolizes the perfect balance between the masculine and feminine aspects, often interpreted as the meeting of the left and right sides of the brain. This union is symbolic of enlightenment, where true harmony and spiritual awakening occur through the integration of these internal energies.

Carl Jung’s concept of synchronicity might explain why some people feel their meeting was “meant to be.” Some believe soulmates are sent to teach us important life lessons, suggesting a purposeful design to our relationships. Reincarnation-based beliefs propose that soulmates reunite across different lives, explaining instant recognition or familiarity. This instant recognition is often described as 'love at first sight,' highlighting the initial attraction that can spark a connection.

However, it’s important to address common myths and misconceptions about soulmates. The idea that there’s only one perfect match for each person can be limiting and anxiety-inducing. In reality, we may have multiple potential “soulmates.” It’s also crucial to understand that even the deepest connections require work, communication, and deep understanding of how opposite polarities can become complementaries. The belief that a soulmate relationship should be effortless can lead to disappointment.


4 Ways To Prepare Yourself To Find a Soulmate

1. Focus on Personal Growth and Self-Improvement

close friend

Developing your interests and passions, setting and achieving personal goals, and expanding your knowledge and skills all contribute to making you a more fulfilled, multifaceted individual - and thus more likely to attract a compatible partner.

2. Heal from Past Relationships and Emotional Baggage

Healing from past relationships and emotional baggage might involve seeking therapy or counseling, practicing forgiveness, and learning from past experiences to understand what you truly want and need in a partner. It’s about creating space for new love by addressing any trust, commitment, or intimacy issues that might hinder future relationships.

3. Cultivate Self-Love and Self-Acceptance

Cultivating self-love and self-acceptance is perhaps the most important preparation for finding a soulmate. This involves practicing positive self-talk, engaging in self-care, and embracing your uniqueness. When you truly love and accept yourself, you’re better equipped to recognize and receive love from others.

4. Set Clear Intentions and Visualize Your Ideal Relationship

Define your values and non-negotiables, but remain open to unexpected connections and forms of love. Envision a life partner who is dedicated to working through life's challenges with you, emphasizing a lasting partnership built on trust and love. Practice gratitude for the love already in your life, creating a positive mindset that attracts more love.


The 6 Types of Soulmates


The Romantic Soulmate: A Deep, Passionate Connection

When most people think of soulmates, this is often the type that comes to mind. The romantic soulmate represents a deep, passionate connection that feels almost supernatural in nature. This relationship is characterized by an intense emotional and physical attraction, coupled with a sense of comfort and familiarity that defies logical explanation, making them perfectly suited for each other.

Romantic soulmates often describe feeling as though they’ve known each other for lifetimes, even if they’ve just met. There’s a natural ease to their interactions, a shared language of love that doesn’t require words. This connection can be transformative, pushing both partners to grow and evolve together.


The Platonic Soulmate: A Best Friend or Companion

feel safe with friends

Not all soulmate connections are romantic in nature. The platonic soulmate is often embodied in a best friend or close companion. This type of relationship is characterized by a deep understanding, unwavering support, and a connection that transcends romantic or familial ties.

Platonic soulmates often finish each other’s sentences, share an uncanny ability to know what the other is thinking, and provide a safe haven of unconditional acceptance. These relationships can last a lifetime, weathering the storms of romantic partnerships, career changes, and personal transformations.

The platonic soulmate reminds us that love comes in many forms, and that some of the most profound connections in our lives may not be romantic at all. A soulmate serves as an essential companion on life's journey, contributing to personal growth and fulfillment, whether that connection is with a romantic partner or a platonic friend.


The Karmic Soulmate: Lessons and Growth Through Challenges

The karmic soulmate enters our life to teach us important lessons, often through challenges and difficulties. This relationship can be intense and tumultuous, pushing us to confront and deal with our deepest fears, insecurities, and unresolved issues.

While karmic soulmate relationships can be painful, they serve a crucial purpose in our personal growth and spiritual evolution. These connections often force us to break destructive patterns, heal old wounds, and become better versions of ourselves.

It's important to note that karmic soulmate relationships are not always meant to last forever. Once the lesson has been learned and the karmic debt repaid, these relationships may naturally come to an end.


The Twin Flame: A Mirror of Oneself, Often Intense

two people in love

Twin flames are thought to be two halves of the same soul, separated and incarnated into different bodies. When twin flames meet, the connection is often immediate and overwhelming. It’s like looking into a mirror and seeing your own soul reflected back at you. This relationship is characterized by an intense magnetic pull, rapid personal growth, and often, significant challenges.

Twin flame relationships can be tumultuous because they bring all of our unresolved issues to the surface. The mirror-like nature of this connection means that we’re forced to confront our own flaws and shadows, which can be uncomfortable and possibly even painful. This intense experience is often described as a profound soul connection, emphasizing the strong mind, body, and soul connection that distinguishes twin flames from other relationships.

However, if both individuals are willing to do the inner work, a twin flame connection can lead to profound personal transformation and spiritual awakening.


The Past Life Soulmate: A Connection From Previous Incarnations

For those who believe in reincarnation, the past life soulmate represents a connection that spans multiple lifetimes. Upon meeting, there's often an instant sense of recognition or familiarity, as if you've known this person before.

Past life soulmates may enter our lives to help us resolve unfinished business from previous incarnations or to continue a journey of growth and evolution together. These relationships often feel comfortable and natural from the start, with an underlying sense of trust and understanding that defies the usual getting-to-know-you phase.

While past life connections can be powerful, it's important to remember that the focus should be on the present. The goal is not to dwell on past lives but to use that connection as a foundation for growth and love in the current lifetime.


The Soul Family: People Who Share a Similar Soul Purpose

The concept of a soul family extends the idea of soulmates beyond individual connections to a group of souls who share a similar purpose or mission. Members of your soul family may come into your life as friends, colleagues, mentors, or even brief encounters that leave a lasting impact.

I love to use the Seed of Life in sacred geometry to describe the soul family. This ancient symbol, composed of 6 interlocking circles, beautifully illustrates how our soul families are connected. Each circle in the Seed of Life represents an individual soul group, and the areas where these circles overlap signify the shared connections and purposes that bind members of a soul family together.

These individuals often share similar values, interests, or life paths. Just as the circles in the Seed of Life overlap to create a harmonious whole, members of your soul family bring complementary energies and experiences that enrich your journey. There’s a sense of instant camaraderie and understanding when you meet a member of your soul family. They support your growth, challenge you to be your best self, and often play crucial roles in helping you fulfill your life purpose.


A Tantric Soulmate: Lovers Who Merge Souls

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The concept of a tantric soulmate, as inspired by Osho's teachings, is a type of connection developed through the practice of opening and aligning the seven chakras with your partner. In a tantric soulmate relationship, lovers work together to harmonize their energies, through the practice of Tantric Meditations for couples including body, mind and soul. As Osho beautifully expresses, this approach has the potential to "transform ordinary lovers into soul mates."

The tantric path teaches that true intimacy involves the union of body, mind, soul and spirit. This type of soulmate connection requires dedication, openness, and a willingness to explore the depths of oneself and your partner. The promise of tantric practice is not just personal transformation, but a potential shift in collective consciousness. As more couples embrace this path, it could lead to a new paradigm of love and relationships, infusing the world with a higher vibration of connection and harmony.

Unlock the Secrets to a Soulmate Connection

Since 1998, Ma Ananda Sarita has guided thousands of lovers on their journey to becoming true Soulmates. Our 7 Level Soulmate series is a transformative series of retreats specially crafted for couples seeking to travel the Soulmate path together, focusing on a unique aspect of the relationship at each level.

Begin Your Soulmate Journey Today!


How to Know You've Met Your Soulmate Connection

1. Instant Connection

When you meet your soulmate, you might experience an immediate sense of recognition or familiarity. It's as if you've known this person for years, even if you've just met. This instant connection goes beyond physical attraction or shared interests. It's a deep, intuitive feeling that this person is somehow significant to your life journey.

This connection often manifests as an easy flow of conversation, shared laughter, and a sense of comfort that usually takes much longer to develop. You might find yourself opening up about things you normally keep private, or feeling understood in ways you've never experienced before.

However, it's important to note that not all soulmate connections are instant. Sometimes, these relationships develop more slowly, with the depth of the connection revealing itself over time.

2. Comfort and Ease


When you realize you're with your soulmate, you feel free to be your authentic self, without fear of judgment or rejection. There's no need to put on a facade or try to impress them – you know you're accepted and loved for who you truly are.

This comfort extends to silence as well. With a soulmate, even quiet moments feel natural and peaceful. You don't feel the need to fill every silence with conversation. Instead, you can simply enjoy each other's presence, finding comfort in the quiet togetherness.

3. Mutual Respect and Understanding

Your soulmate sees and appreciates your true essence, including your strengths, weaknesses, and quirks. They don't try to change you but instead support your growth and celebrate your uniqueness. This respect is reciprocal. You find yourself in awe of your soulmate's qualities, valuing their perspective even when it differs from your own. There's a sense of equality in the relationship, with both partners feeling heard, valued, and understood.

4. Shared Values and Goals

While soulmates don't need to be identical in every way, there's often a strong alignment in core values and life goals. You find that your visions for the future are compatible, and you're excited about building that future together.

This doesn't mean you agree on everything. In fact, healthy differences can contribute to growth and balance in the relationship. But on the fundamental issues that shape your life path, you and your soulmate are in harmony.

5. Supportive and Encouraging

A soulmate is your biggest cheerleader and strongest support system. They believe in you, often seeing potential in you that you might not even recognize in yourself. They encourage you to pursue your dreams and stand by you through challenges.

This support goes beyond just words. A soulmate actively contributes to your growth and success, offering practical help and emotional backing when needed. They celebrate your victories as if they were their own and provide comfort and strength during setbacks

6. Unconditional Love

Soulmate love transcends the superficial and embraces the whole person – flaws, struggles, and all. With a soulmate, you feel loved not for what you do or achieve, but simply for who you are. This unconditional love creates a safe space for vulnerability and growth. You feel secure enough to show all aspects of yourself, knowing that you'll be accepted and loved regardless.

7. Synchronicities and Signs

love ritual

Many people report experiencing unusual coincidences or "signs" when they meet their soulmate. These can range from repeatedly seeing certain numbers or symbols to chance encounters happening that seem too perfect to be mere coincidence.

While it's important not to over-interpret every event as a sign, pay attention to any patterns or synchronicities that occur around your relationship. These can sometimes be indicators of a deeper connection.

8. Growth and Transformation

Your soulmate challenges you to become the best version of yourself, not through criticism or pressure, but through inspiration and support. You might find yourself naturally breaking old patterns, healing past wounds, and stepping into your potential. The relationship becomes a vehicle for mutual growth, with both partners evolving individually and together.

9. A Deep Sense of Peace

Amidst the excitement and passion of a soulmate connection, there's often an underlying sense of peace, calm and rightness. You feel as if you've found your home in another person. This peace doesn't mean the relationship is always smooth sailing, but rather that even during challenges, there's a deep knowing that you're exactly where you're meant to be.

This sense of peace can manifest as a feeling of completeness, as if wondering if a missing piece of yourself has been found. It's a quiet confidence in the relationship and in your shared journey.

10. Strong Intuition

Beyond logic or reason, you have a deep sense that this person is meant to play a significant role in your life. Trust your intuition in this process. While it's important to balance intuition with practical considerations, don't discount those gut feelings. Your inner wisdom often recognizes a soulmate connection before your conscious mind can fully comprehend it.


Book Recommendations on Soulmates


Hot Chocolate for The Mystical Lover

An intriguing book that explores the concept of soulmates is “Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Lover” by Arielle Ford. This book is a collection of 101 true stories about soulmates who were brought together through what the authors describe as divine intervention. Each story is a testament to the mystical and often magical connections that can occur between people destined to meet and share their lives together.

The book is divided into sections covering various themes such as love lost and regained, soulmates from past lives, and destiny. It also features personal stories from well-known figures like Deepak Chopra and Kenny Loggins.

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Tantra Alchemy

For couples ready to dive deep into the transformative power of Tantra, Tantra Alchemy by Ma Ananda Sarita provides a truly unique guide to cultivating a profound, soul-level connection. This work explores how partners can merge their sexual energy with spiritual practice, turning ordinary love into a sacred, mystical experience.

Through the book, you’ll discover how to unlock the power of Tantric meditation to transcend the typical boundaries of love and sex, merging body, mind, and spirit with your partner. Sarita emphasizes that the “Soul Mate” connection is not a myth or romantic ideal, but a real, attainable state when both individuals are dedicated to exploring love as a spiritual path.

Discover This Book




How do you know if someone is a soulmate?

You might feel an immediate and powerful connection with someone when they are your soulmate. Signs include a sense of familiarity as if you've known each other for lifetimes, effortless communication, and an unspoken understanding of each other’s thoughts and feelings. A soulmate relationship is marked by a deep sense of peace and fulfillment, even when challenges arise, as you both instinctively support and uplift each other.


What is a true soulmate?

A true soulmate is someone who mirrors your inner self, challenges you to grow, and helps you achieve a higher state of being. This person feels like a missing piece in your life, and the relationship fosters mutual growth, healing, and spiritual awakening. A true soulmate relationship is balanced, with both partners equally committed to nurturing their bond and supporting each other's personal journeys.


Is a soulmate just a lover?

No, a soulmate is not just a lover. While many soulmate relationships do involve romantic love, the bond goes beyond physical attraction or infatuation. A soulmate can be a friend, family member, or mentor, anyone with whom you share a deep, meaningful connection that transcends typical relationships. The key is the profound understanding and unconditional love that defines the relationship, making it unique and irreplaceable.

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Danelle Ferreira


Danelle Ferreira

Danelle Ferreira, also known as Ellastrology, is the creative force behind the Tantra Essence blog, where she passionately explores and shares the transformative power of Tantra. As the editor and manager, Danelle curates content that delves deep into spiritual growth, self-discovery, and the intimate connections that Tantra fosters.

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