What is Tachyon Energy?: Merging Science and Spirituality

Mar 21, 2025

When I first heard of Tachyon Healing in 1995 I was skeptical; it sounded just too good to be true. But a trusted friend and colleague in the Osho Commune in Pune persuaded me to take part in a course with David Wagner, the inventor of the Tachyonization process.

Once I had learned Tachyon Healing and experienced the effects of it, I knew that this new technology had to be made available to as many people as possible. It was the beginning of my love affair with Tachyon.

Subsequently, I went through 9 years of apprenticeship with David and learned how to teach Tachyon. I can’t imagine life without Tachyon, since its beneficial effects are so far reaching, for physical health, spiritual expansion and balancing of the environment.


What is Tachyon? Faster Than Light Particles Explained

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Tachyon, a Greek word meaning ‘swift’, was coined by quantum physicists in the 1960’s to describe a hypothetical particle which is “beyond velocity, omni-present, carries 100% potential of all form, is beyond time, eternal, and formless.” These faster than light particles challenge traditional notions within the realm of relativistic physics.

The concept of imaginary mass allows for the theoretical possibility of such particles moving through space without requiring infinite energy. Tachyon is considered by quantum physics to be the ‘messenger’ of the Zero Point Field, which is what people commonly think of as ‘source.’


The Zero Point Field

The Zero Point Field carries the potential for the formed world to manifest. It is from where everything comes and to where everything returns. It is a pre-frequency, faster than light field of power and potential.

Both the Zero Point Field and Tachyon have a ‘negative entropy’ effect, which translates as, ‘bringing order out of chaos.’ Entropy is the process of decay and dying. ‘Negative Entropy’ is life in a state of rejuvenation and renewal. These concepts are integral to the ongoing discussions in modern physics.


Entropy and Rejuvenation

The old model of science, based on Newton’s ideas believes that everything is destined to move towards decay, entropy and death. This may be why the people who subscribe to this idea have not coined a more appropriate word for rejuvenation. Negative entropy sounds, well, negative. With newer advances in quantum physics, some Newtonian beliefs have become old fashioned.

In actual fact, existence functions as a vast recycling system. Particles wink in and out of existence, new particles are born. This process of death and renewal is constantly happening within our bodies and all of nature. Nature has seasons, cycles and rhythms for the birth, death and renewal process. This concept is deeply rooted in theoretical physics, where speculative ideas like tachyons challenge established principles.

Our bodies are part of this natural flow. Depending on how we choose to live, we can either increase the speed of the renewal effect or we may choose to increase the entropic effect. Tachyon by its very nature, increases rejuvenation on all levels of our body, mind and soul.

Tachyon Theory

The Inventor

The man behind Tachyonization is an engineer named David Wagner. During his childhood, he was raised in an environment where family members were into both spirituality and gemology. When he was 7 years old, a dramatic event happened that transformed him forever.

He was a home alone kid, as his mother had to work. She told him if he needed her, to phone, as she worked not too far away and could come back to help. One day he felt very dizzy and strange and called her. She told him it was OK if he went outside to get some fresh air.


A Dramatic Life Changing Experience

As seven-year old David stepped outside, a ball of luminous light came rushing towards him and entered his body. He immediately fainted. Gradually he returned to consciousness and as he came back, felt very different from before. Looking around, he realized he was seeing energies moving which had previously been invisible. He could see energy moving in electric wires, in trees, grass and everywhere. When he went back in the house, he saw that the energies were not coherent. When he was outside, he saw that all of nature was harmonious and coherent.

Later, as he met people, he found himself to be reading their thoughts without meaning to. This got him in a great deal of trouble because he would often respond to what a person was thinking, rather than what they said. He discovered that adults often say one thing and think something else. This gift was a blessing and a curse, as he found himself to be different from others and therefore could never really fit in. It took him years to be able to tune out the thoughts of those around him. He still has this gift but is now able to choose when and where to use it, in service of the highest good of all beings.

Because of his gift, and the genius that came with it, David was able to excel in engineering due to the fact that he could see the energy moving inside machines and therefore knew exactly how to create premium products or to fix problems.


The Accident, A Curse And A Blessing

While at the peak of a very successful career, one morning while sitting in meditation, David received a message from source: “Whatever will happen today is for the best”. Later that day, he had an accident which ruptured three disks in his back and he was subsequently declared to be ‘crippled for life,’ by eight different specialists. He spent two years in constant agonizing pain, which no medical intervention was able to alleviate. During this period, he lost his job, his wife left him and his whole world fell apart at the seams. He hit rock bottom.

One day, in deepest despair, he cried out to source: “Why is this for the best?” He heard a voice echoing from universal consciousness: “Are you ready?” He answered a resounding, “YES!” Immediately he received a ‘psychic download’ of a blueprint for a machine that had never existed before. The same spirit guide informed him that if he built this machine, he would be able to heal his back.


A Magical Healing Machine

David built the machine and put round colored glass disks into it. The process the glass disks went through in the machine took two weeks. With his clairvoyant vision David could see the energy moving in the machine. However, there was one place in the machine, during the two week process, where no energy, no frequency was moving. At the time, he didn’t know what this meant.

When the two-week process was done, David took the glass disks and put them on his back. Within a period of 6 months, his back was completely healed. News of this remarkable event spread. Finally, he opened a pain clinic and began treating people free of charge. In each and every case, he was able to help people to alleviate their pain. This phenomenon raised questions about the theoretical challenges, such as the concept of infinite energy, often associated with tachyons.

Some doctors heard about this and asked to try some of his ‘miracle glass disks’ on their clients. In every case, it worked to heal back pain. Finally, the doctors came to see him and said, “We know this works, but we don’t know how it works or what it is! You need to define this process, give it a name and let us know how it works from a scientific perspective.”


Naming His Invention

David immersed himself in research to try and discover what he could call his powerful discovery. He went deeply into everything he could find about Nicola Tesla nd the phenomenon of ‘Free Energy’. He searched into Physics and Quantum Physics, and finally came to understand that through his machine, he had found a way to transform objects on a sub molecular level into permanent Tachyon antennae. Just as a radio receives radio waves, Tachyonized products receive and transmit Tachyon particles. The mysterious part of the machine, which has no frequency, is actually a concentration of Tachyon particles. This discovery challenges our understanding of physical laws, particularly in relation to the implications of tachyons on established principles.

On further research done by David and also observed by independent scientific researchers, he found out that his Tachyonized products could not only heal pain, but can also be used to neutralize electromagnetic effects, expand consciousness, expand joy and love, dissolve stress, open a portal into angelic dimensions and much more.

Today, there are thousands of Tachyon Technology products being used with tremendous results in over 120 countries around the world. David’s patented process of Tachyonization is so amazing that it feels like a miracle, even though it is based in science. In fact, he has created a technology where science and spirituality meet.


How Does Tachyon Work? Insights from Theoretical Physics

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Tachyon, being a non-frequency type of healing method, cannot push our bodies out of balance. The subtle organising energy field (what Quantum Physics calls “the orbit’ around every particle of matter, absorbs this rejuvenating source energy and transmits it to our physical form. The physical form then turns it into the frequency we need, and only takes in as much as is needed in that moment. It is the body’s own intelligence which determines the amount of Tachyon we absorb. Particles, such as tachyons, are theorized to travel faster than the speed of light and have implications for the laws of physics and time travel.

Physicists speak about a subtle energy ‘orbit’ that exists around each particle of matter. David Wagner calls this orbit the ‘Subtle Organizing Energy Field.’ Tachyon particles, which are omni-present in the universe, are able to interact with this subtle organizing energy field, infusing it with rejuvenating properties.

The subtle organizing energy field is rejuvenated by Tachyon but can also be pushed out of balance by negative electromagnetic energy or other toxic factors of the modern world. Using Tachyonized products helps us to maintain a balanced and healthy state even when challenged by negative environmental factors. With a Tachyonized product, our subtle organizing energy fields are able to absorb enough Tachyon to remain healthy.


Chaos and a Higher Level of Order

In quantum physics, it is known that life moves in constant recurring waves of chaos, order, chaos, order. The peak of the chaos wave is called ‘bifurcation.’ This is when a physical system is asking the question, “Shall I move into entropy and death or should I move towards a higher level of order, and rejuvenation?” We all know the feeling, when a fever becomes more and more hot and finally, at the peak of the fever, it breaks; we sweat and suddenly we begin feeling much better. This peaking of the chaos of the fever is called a bifurcation. Superluminal particles, such as tachyons, challenge conventional notions of causality and time, suggesting they could carry information backward in time without causing paradoxes.

When we use Tachyonized products, these will help our body / mind and emotions come quickly to bifurcation, experience a breakthrough, and shift to a higher level of order and wellness. This is often accompanied by deep realizations on how to live in harmony with our soul calling.


Tachyonized™ Products

Special Relativity

Tachyonized Star Gate

The Tachyonized™ products, which David Wagner manufactures at his factory, go through his machine in a process which takes 14 days to complete. At the end of this time, they have become permanent Tachyon antennae and can be used on, in or around the body and the environment to maximize regeneration and wellness.


A Dedicated Tantra / Tachyon Website

In 2016 David and I plus another friend named Dharmaraj, collaborated to create specialty products for enhancing sexual pleasure while also raising consciousness. At our dedicated website, we offer a wide range of these products.

Tachyon Particles

To order Tachyon / Tantra products go to Tantra Healing Energy and use the code: Sarita to receive a 10% discount

Start Your Journey Today


Becoming an Affiliate for Tantra Healing Energy.

If someone reading this would like to become a Tantra Tachyon Affiliate, follow the steps on our affiliate page for more details. Those persons who are eligible to become affiliates are people who sell jade eggs and sexual healing products, people who teach Tantra, or Sexual Therapy and people who teach Healing groups and sell products for healing. If you become an affiliate, your customers using your code will receive a 10% discount and you will receive a 30% commission. In the world of Tachyon and Tantra, we like a win-win situation for all concerned!


What Are Tachyon Products Used For? Applications in Holistic Healing

Common uses of Tachyonized products in alternative medicine are as follows: Stress reduction, pain relief, harmonizing and opening up the chakras, balancing harmful electromagnetic waves, such as with computer, and electric appliances, reducing the negative effects of mobile phone use, harmonizing the home, raising the vibration of water and food, offering healing for organs, blood, bones, muscles, sprains or bruises, enhancing sexual pleasure, healing of sexual dysfunction, supporting a good night’s sleep, and experiencing Deeksha (the descent of grace) and much more! Tachyon products support the expansion of consciousness and acceleration of our potential in many varied ways!


The Correlation Between Tachyon and the Ayurveda Map of Reality

I am passionate about both Ayurveda and Tachyon and have stumbled on a remarkable correlation between these two systems.

In ancient Ayurveda, sages discovered the healing power of Tachyon and the ancient recipe for how to access it still exists. This recipe is quite complex, as you have to burn cow dung and ghee at both sunrise and sunset while chanting very specific mantras. This creates a special ash called Vibhuti, said to have miraculous effects for healing and raising the vibration of the environment.

The ancient Vedic and Ayurveda terms for the step down process from the formless into form, exactly mirror the quantum physics theory for this same step down process.

  • Zero Point Field = Brahma (carries the potential for all form)
  • Tachyon = Prana (the subtle breath of life)
  • Subtle Organizing Energy Field = Prema (Field of Love around each particle of living matter)
  • Rejuvenation of Life Force Energy = Ojas (joyous life force)
  • Vertical flow of Energy from Crown to feet = Deeksha (descent of grace)

Existence is very compassionate in making Tachyon available to us in its modern form. Life after all, loves to go on renewing itself!


Join Us at Tachyon Vertical Reality Level 1

Once a year we host a course created by David Wagner.

There are three Tantra Essence Teachers for this course are Ma Ananda Sarita, Khoi Dharmaraj, & Amma Usha Regina.

This unique course offers you so many benefits it appears almost inconceivable to our conditioned mind.

You will receive a Tachyonized Vortex crystal pendent as an integral part of the course and learn techniques on how to use it for your own personal evolution of consciousness. The Pendent is so powerfully life transforming and accelerates human potential so much that it is essential to learn the methods how to work with it. That is why David Wagner created this course. The 2025 course took place in March 2025, and we will be sharing more information about the 2026 course shortly.

Explore Tachyon Vertical Reality 2025


A list of benefits from this Vertical Reality 1 course are:

  • How to return to a state of grace and vertical alignment
  • How to identify your ego and dissolve it
  • Solve forever the need to protect yourself from the very world you are a part of
  • Heal the planet just by being on it
  • How to embrace the vertical moment and integrate this state into your daily life
  • Reconnect and become one with nature and discover psychic attunement
  • How to train your ego to become the servant of your soul rather than seizing control of your life
  • How to experience loving awareness in each moment
  • How to practice conscious communication in relating
  • Heal the fragmented psychological and emotional wounds of your past
  • Unify fragmented energy structures in your body / mind
  • Understand secrets of spiritual liberation
  • Enhance your vitality and health
  • Expand your capacity for creativity and abundance


What People Are Saying About Tachyon

Discover how Tachyon Energy and Vertical Reality teachings have transformed lives:

“This course was beyond all my expectations. Thank you for bringing this light to the planet and bringing Tachyon to our reality.”




“The Tachyon course is what I needed to level up my practice in the field of energy. It’s a next level human experience.”




“This spiritual experience was so necessary for my soul. I feel more connected to my greater purpose.”




Ma Ananda Sarita


Ma Ananda Sarita

Ma Ananda Sarita is a Tantra master, initiated into Tantra in 1973 by Osho. With over 30 years of teaching experience, she offers courses and retreats worldwide. As the voice behind this blog, Sarita offers readers a glimpse into the power of Tantra.

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