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Searched: "vigyan bhairav tantra"

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How To Open the Power of Your Sahasrara/Crown Chakra

Imagine a light so brilliant it banishes every shadow, revealing the vastness of the universe within you. This is the essence of opening your Sahasrara, or Crown Chakra, the highest energy center in the chakra system. Positioned at the very top of your head, this energy center is your gateway to ...

Tantra Books: 31 Essential Reads To Enhance Your Practice

Through specific meditation practices, rituals, and consciousness work, Tantra teaches us to harness the incredible energy of our life force for healing, transformation and ever-deepening states of ecstatic union. The best way to get started with the tantric path is by reading some of the key and...

How to Open Your Ajna/Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra, or Ajna chakra, is a major energy center within the chakra system, located between the eyebrows, and is the gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual insight. It’s connected to the pineal gland which controls our sleep wake cycles and responds to light and dark. When the...

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra: The Ultimate Guide to Deep Meditation

Imagine a text so potent that a single verse could shatter your perception of reality. The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is precisely that, a spiritual bliss bomb disguised as an ancient Indian text book. This ancient scripture, featuring a dialogue between God Shiva and Goddess Parvati, is a highly refi...

Tantra for Lovers & Couples: 10 Practices To Build Intimacy

Do you sometimes feel like you and your partner are living parallel lives, going through the motions but lacking that deep soul connection? The spark that drew you together can fade as responsibilities, distractions, and past hurts build emotional walls. Intimacy can become elusive, but tantra fo...

What Is Tantra? A Guide to Understanding This Sacred Tradition

Tantra. Just the word alone conjures up images of contorted bodies, ritualistic chanting, and mind-bending spiritual practices. Tantra isn't just about the sensual aspects that often make headlines (although, we'll get to that later). It's a vast and ancient philosophy that encompasses everything...